- 今年的八月十分炎热.august was almost tropical(ie very hot)this year.
- 今年的八月十分炎热。August was almost tropical this year.
- 十分炎热blazing heat
- 在今年的发展商业工作计划中,有搞活市场的若干措施。There are several measures to enliven the market in the plan of commercial development this year.
- 十分very
- 精确地说,它在农历的八月十五。Exactly, it is on the fifteenth day of August of the lunar calendar.
- 鲍勃·霍普在今年的奥斯卡颁奖会上一连几个笑话都不逗人笑。Bob Hope laid a few eggs at this year's Oscar ceremony.
- 去年的夏天十分炎热。Summer was almost tropical last year.
- 我们注意到你方上述标题下的八月五日来信。We have noted your letter of August 5 under the above caption.
- 公司已经规定了今年的利润指标。The company has targeted a profit for the year.
- 火热的炉子;热水;炎热的八月;闷热的房间;她感觉发烫、疲劳;发烫的前额hot stove; hot water; a hot August day; a hot stuffy room; she's hot and tired; a hot forehead
- 今年的二月18号是春节,这是我们一年之中最重要的节日。Feb.18 of this year is the Spring Festival, the most important fete of the year according to our lunar calendar.
- 这里的夏季清晨,海上往往吹来浓雾,但气候可能十分炎热。There is often a thick morning mist from the sea in summer,but the weather can be very hot.
- 那部电影爆出冷门,成了今年的最佳影片。突然间,每一个人都不得不一睹为快That movie is the sleeper of the year: suddenly everyone has to see it.
- 这家公司使今年的销售量增加了。The company boosted its sales this year.
- 他们结婚后在康涅狄克州北部安了家,这地方对于在严寒地区长大的父母来说,看来一定是十分炎热的了。When they married, they settled in northern Connecticut, a location that must have seemed positively tropical to them after their upbringings.
- 我们今年的利润超过二十万美元。Our profits have topped %24200,000 this year.
- 今年的运动会由哪国主办?Which country is hosting the Games this year?
- 你今年的预算数字十分准确。Your budget figures were bang on this year.