- 人有时是命运的主人.Men at some time are masters of their fates.
- 人有时是自己命运的主人。Men, at some time, are masters of their fates.
- 到美国来旅游的人有时会问美国各州的名字是怎么得来的。People who visit the United States sometimes wonder how the states got their names.
- 毕竟有了一个家真不容易,尽管家庭有时是令人讨厌的地方。It's something to have a family after all, nuisances though they can be at times.
- 人就是人,是自己命运的主人.Foe man is man and master of his futa.
- 苏格兰的这次失败清楚地表明,指纹鉴定是由人完成的,而人有时会犯错。The Scotland fiasco points up the fact that matches are made by people--and people sometimes make mistakes.
- 他们相信他们相遇是命运的安排。They are sure that fate is responsible for their meeting.
- 最天真的人有时是最高明的。The most ingenious is, at times, the wisest.
- 我们要做自己命运的主人。We want to be master of our own destiny.
- 在一个短语中,决定哪个词是主要词或重要词,有时是很困难的。It is difficult at times to determine which is the principal or important term in a phrase.
- 人格是命运的保护神Human dignity is the patron saint of fortune
- 这是命运中,我同作为一个作者的基本用书的第一次接触。That was my first contact with what would be the fundamental book in my destiny as a writer.
- 持有非传统见解的人有时会遭到排斥。People who hold unorthodox opinions are sometimes ostracized.
- 人就是人,是自己命运的主人。For man is man and master of his fate.
- 为了特殊活动而围起来的一块土地,有时是铺好的,通常与建筑有关联。a tract of land enclosed for particular activities (sometimes paved and usually associated with buildings).
- 人是命运的玩偶吗?Are men the puppets of fate?
- 那是一个非常好的聚会,美中不足的是,主人喝醉了,并开始辱骂每一个人。It was a very good party. The only fly in the ointment was that the host got drunk and started abusing everybody!
- 人有时虽然完全正确,双腿却不免颤抖;而有时虽然完全错了,却内心欢畅。At times, although one is perfectly right, one's leg tremble; at other times, although one is completely in the wrong, birds sing in one's soul.
- 命运有时是残酷的。Destiny is sometimes cruel.
- 那个家伙是你的主人;在门旁有一个家伙;他是个可爱的家伙that chap is your host; there's a fellow at the door; he's a likable cuss