- 享乐得生厌.sated with pleasure
- 得permit
- 呆得令人生厌to outstay one's welcome
- 变得became
- 生厌weary
- 脑得生Naodesheng
- 在这场辩论中据实而争者少,含沙射影者多,令人生厌。There have been too many unpleasant innuendoes in this debate and not enough facts.
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- 鼠辈,卑鄙小人令人生厌,狡猾的人物,特别是出卖或告发同伴的人A despicable, sneaky person, especially one who betrays or informs upon associates.
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- 令人生厌的hohum
- 基督教得生团契Christian New Being Fellowship
- 我发现他令人生厌的谄媚。I find his obsequiousness repellent.
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- 他睡觉的方式令我生厌。His way of sleeping makes me cringe.
- 坏天气带来的远远不止打湿的鞋子和寒风吹得生痛的脸庞。And wet shoes and wind-burned faces are not the only consequences.
- 十全十美是这么令人生厌的一件事,致使我常常后悔自己戒除了抽烟的习惯。Perfection is such a nuisance that I often regret having cured myself of using tobacco.
- 闵一得生年考疑Some doubt about Master Min Yide's birthday
- 夜总会那种虚假的荣华不久便失去了新意而使人生厌。The phony glamour of night club soon become stale and boring.
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