- 鄙笑jeer; scoff at
- 有些孩子鄙笑起来,当她发现一个缺了几颗人造钻石的手镯,Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing
- 予以(v) bestow; give
- 笑的rident
- 鄙low
- 大笑be in convulsions
- 爱笑的risible
- 爆笑hilarious
- 他公然予以攻击。He made an undisguised attack.
- 偷笑titter
- 与新来乍到者不同,对那些工作多年的雇员将予以优待。Employees who have worked here for many years will be given preference over newcomers.
- 鄙汉creeper
- 笑着on the laugh
- 鄙俚philistine
- 不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.
- 鄙劣地wretchedly
- 笑死make
- 我希望您能对此予以迅速考虑,以便我能及时通知期待的客人。I hope you can give this your immediate attention so that I can notify the prospective guests promptly.
- 鄙劣者twirp
- 笑傲江湖Swordman