- 乘坐包机最合算.Charter flights give/offer the best value for (your) money.
- 最most
- 包机最划算。Charter flights give the best value for money.
- 最大的maximal
- 最大largest
- 最好had better
- 本星期买胡萝卜和洋白菜最合算, 因货源充足, 价格低廉.Best buys of the week are carrots and cabbages, which are plentiful and cheap.
- 最多maximum
- 最好的best of all
- 最小化minimum
- 最小least
- 最後ultimately
- 最重要的top-drawer
- 套票最合算。The booklets are the best deal.
- 最爱faves
- 最少least
- 最多的most
- 最小的lowest
- 最重要above all
- 最快at the soonest