- 不可过于相信道听途说。Do not place too much credit in hearsay.
- 不可过于相信道听途说.Do not place too much credit in hearsay.
- 别过于相信自己的记忆了,还是写下来吧。Don't trust your memory-put it down.
- 不可cannot
- 不要对那人过于相信。Don't repose too much confidence in that man.
- 对于敌人不可过于刺激,一切从长期坚持着眼,引起了敌人的警觉是非常不利的。We should refrain from being too irritating with regard to the enemy,always keeping our eye on the long-term struggle. Attracting the enemy's attention can be most disadvantageous to ourselves.
- 不要对他的诺言过于相信。Do not repose too much confidence in his promises .
- 不可避免ineluctability
- 不相信misdoubt
- 不可缺少的indispensable
- 不要对那个人过于相信。Do not repose too much confidence in that man .
- 不可缺少indispensable
- 他们不轻信道听途说。They are incredulous of hearsay.
- 这些道听途说的事全属子虚.The stories being bandied about are completely false.
- 不可替代的irreplaceable
- 不可否认undeniable
- 被告辩护律师驳斥该证据为道听途说。The attorney for the defense challenged the evidence as hearsay.
- 不能相信incredibility
- 不可信unlikelihood
- 不相信的unbelieving