- [wound+] 感染了to become infected
- 感染infection
- 那个病人感染了肺炎,在午夜前不久死了。The patient caught pneumonia and went out shortly before midnight.
- wound指利器或子弹对肉体造成的伤害.A person is wounded by a sharp instrument or bullet tearing the flesh.
- 他对自己的话题越讲越起劲,那激动的样子感染了观众。As he warmed towards his subject, he infected his listeners with his own excitement.
- 在博茨瓦纳有35.8%的成年人现在已经被感染了爱滋病毒。In Botswana,35.8 percent of adults are now infected with HIV.
- 船长的勇气感染了他的船员。The captain's courage infected his men.
- 她的笑声感染了全班同学。She infected the whole class with her laughter.
- 蚊子在从感染了疟疾的人身上吸血时吸入了寄生的疟原虫。Mosquitoes pick up the malaria parasite by sucking blood from an infected person.
- 那小孩感染了流感。The child was infected with influenza.
- 她感染了某种疾病。She has got some kind of virus.
- 他被感染了一种潜伏性的传染病。He was infected with a latent infection.
- 她的耳朵感染了。She has got an ear infection.
- 这的氛围深深地感染了他。He felt the same way deep down within him.
- 母猪感染了病毒性肺炎。Sows are suffering from virus pneumonia.
- 我看我已经受细菌感染了.I think I've caught a bug.
- 他感染了肺结核He contracted tuberculosis.
- 血液受感染了。The blood is infected.
- 在感染了的雌疟蚊的唾液里,含有大量叫作子孢子的疟原虫。An infected female Anopheles mosquito's saliva contains great numbers of the form of the parasite known as the sporozoite.
- 她从她弟弟感染了流行性腮腺炎。She got mumps from her brother.