- 不计except
- 计入reckon in
- 计件by the job
- De Sitter空间中紧致类空超曲面的积分公式及其Goddard猜想的应用Integral Formulas for Compact Spacelike Hypersurfaces in de Sitter Space and Their Applications to Goddard's Conjecture
- 液位计juice level gauge
- 本课题组对Goddard等人2000年编制的教师集体效能量表进行了修订。This paper revises Goddard(2000)collective teacher efficacy scale.
- 硬度计sclerometer
- 计画plan
- 时计hour meter
- 研究火箭的科学家Robert Goddard认为火箭喷射不能在外太空稀薄的空气里进行,而他的这一观点被该领域的同伴们无情地拒绝。Rocket scientist Robert Goddard found his ideas bitterly rejected by his scientific peers on the grounds that rocket propulsion would not work in the rarefied atmosphere of outer space.
- 事前计提基金advanced funding
- Schroder (1985), Guy Cook(1992), Tanaka Keico(1994), Anglela Goddard(1998) 周怡 & 周晓 (1998) , 黄国文(2001) 等等.Schroder (1985), Guy Cook(1992), TanakaKeico(1994), Anglela Goddard(1998) Zhou Yi & Zhou Xiao (1998) , Huang Guowen(2001)and so on.
- 用计maneuver
- 体重计batheroom scales
- 计量器meter
- 忽略不计ignore
- 密度计densimeter
- 频率计cymometer
- 将计就计beat somebody at his own game
- 计税valorem