- 医保medical insurance
- 医改medical reform
- 谈谈感叹词wellOn the Interjection Well
- 话语标记语well"well" as discourse marker
- [well etc+] 干涸to run dry
- 讳疾忌医conceal one's faults for fear of criticism
- 医者doctor
- 请你说出副词“well”的原级、比较级和最高级好吗?Will you please compare the adverb “well”?
- 学医study medicine
- 她今天唱得和昨天一样好。well是原级。She sings as well today as she did yesterday.
- (=doing well, improving) 完全恢复,症状改善DW, impro.
- 病急乱投医turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill - try anything when in a desperate situation
- 女医woman physician
- Honey well DCS系统在加氢裂化试验装置上的应用A Honeywell DCS System Application in the Pilot Plant of Hydrocracking
- 医神Aesculapius
- 还有很多其他的词象well一样,用来创造一种自然的谈话气氛,是吗?There're many other words like well used to create that natural conversation feel, aren't there?
- 她打算学医。The destination of her study is medicine.
- 艾伦把奄奄一息的妻子带去看另一位医生,那是在把死马当活马医。Alan was clutching at straws when he took his dying wife to another doctor.
- 马医horse doctor
- 医患关系relationship between doctors and patients