- 化to make into
- 最小化minimum
- 模块化modularize
- Phishing(网络仿冒,发音为“fishing”)是罪犯用来诱使您透露个人信息的网络诈骗技术。Phishing (pronounced "fishing") is an online fraud technique used by criminals to lure you into disclosing your personal information.
- 酸化acidification
- 钝化passivation
- 联机仿冒(phishing发音为fishing)是通过欺诈电子邮件或网站来诱使计算机用户透露个人信息或财务信息的伎俩。Online phishing (pronounced like the word fishing) is a way to trick computer users into revealing personal or financial information through a fraudulent e-mail message or website.
- 尼亚加拉大瀑布是世界自然奇观之一。5. You can see a lot of Atlantic fishing villages in Nova Scotia.Niagara Falls is one of the great natural wonders of the world.
- 可视化visualization(-sat-)
- 钢化steel
- 归一化normalize
- 雾化pulverization
- 氢化hydrogen sulfide
- 碳化carbonize
- 会计电算化accounting computerization
- 最佳化optimization
- 实例化instantiation
- 纤维化fibrosis
- 教化civilize
- 差异化differentiation