- The climate of Kunming is mild in the entire year. 昆明的气候全年温和如春。
- The two political parties were at loggerheads for the entire year. 这两个政治党整年处于对峙状态。
- In Holland,the entire year's activities will be focused on Rembrandt. 在荷兰;2006年整年的许多活动将是以这位、艺术大师为焦点.
- It took the old artists an entire year to finish the series of sculptures. 老艺术家们花了整整一年时间完成了组雕。
- By 2001,there were only 537 cases for the entire year and the disease had been eliminated from all but 10 countries. 到2001年,全年只有537个病例,除10个国家外,全世界已消灭小儿麻痹症。
- However, if you fail a second time, you will have to wait an entire year to retake either of the two again. 然而,如果您第二次不合格,则必须等待整整一年才能再次参加其中一个考试。
- One could affect their luck for the entire year by what one did on this Video Door Phone . 人们在这天所做的事情可以影响他们整年的运气。
- By 2001, there were only 537 cases for the entire year and the disease had been eliminated from all but 10 countries. 到2001年,全年只有537个病例,除10个国家外,全世界已消灭小儿麻痹症。
- And Davis only had three dunks the entire year, which tied him with Raymond Felton and Matt Bonner. 而且整整一年巴伦-戴维斯才三次灌篮,这个记录与雷蒙德-费尔顿和马特-邦纳是一样。
- Michelle Obama: You know, this entire year and a half has brought us closer together as a family. 米:你知道这整个一年半时间,我们家庭成员的关系更紧密地拉近了。
- Aggregate expenses include expenses of all divisions combined for the entire year. 合计费用包括为整个的年被联合的所有区分的费用。
- Land in this area is barren and no plant can grow here, because there are natural disasters throughout the entire year. 这个地区因常年自然灾害,土地瘠瘦,寸草不生。
- Across the entire year, the frequency of beach water monitoring varies depending on the season and the status of individual beaches. 整年泳滩水质监测的密度乃视乎季节和个别泳滩的状况而定。
- Thus a maximum or peak demand of only a moment's duration requires that the necessary equipment be in place throughout the entire year. 这样,仅因短暂持续的峰负荷需求就要求必要的设备在全年中都到位。
- Adored by women, begrudgingly respected by men, he has just made one of the best action films of the year so far, and maybe even the entire year. 女人崇拜他,男人们不甘情愿的尊重他:尽管他在今年迄今为止只拍了一部动作大片,但或许是全年最出色的。
- You can seriously impair your creativity and productivity by slogging through the entire year without a break from long hours and a heavy workload. 如果你全年都是长时间重负荷的工作,而没有一两次休假的话,你就会严重的消减你的创造力和生产力。
- You now have the ecliptic longitude of perigee of the sun for the mean summer solstice of your chosen year (and effectively for the entire year) . 你现在有黄道经度的近地点的阳光平均夏季冬至,你选择了一年(而有效地为整个一年 ) 。
- This week is my off week since during the entire year our company was super busy so that I could not take my vacation days off. 这个星期是我的放假星期,因为整个年度我们公司都是很忙,以至我不能休我的法定假期休息日。
- For an entire year the Lakers fought and clawed to overcome the "soft" tag with a return to the Finals and a ring their only chance at redemption. 接下来的一整年湖人都在为软蛋这个名称拼搏斗争,只有重返总决赛带上戒指才能完成他们的救赎.
- And for an entire year they met with the church and taught considerable numbers;and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch. 他们足有一年的工夫、和教会一同聚集、教训了许多人.门徒称为基督徒、是从安提阿起首。