- Lot 99 is a pair of antique vases. 第九十九批拍卖品是一对古瓶。
- We dusted the American team 106 to 99. 我们以106比99分击败了美国队。
- Much of it may come from you,the Class of'99! 99届的同学们,众多的领导人可能就将从你们中产生!
- Up to 99 order can be stored into the memory. 最多可储存99组订单尺寸。
- The lease runs for a term of 99 years. 租赁合同为99年时间。
- This profile was most recently found in "99". 此简要表最后一次是在"99"目录中找到的。
- Why do my downloads sometimes stall at 99%? 为什么我的下载停在99%25?
- Pantyhose are on sale for 99 cents. 絲襪現在特價99分錢。
- Your temperature is about 99 degrees Fahrenheit. 你的体温大约是华氏99度。
- If you add a2 X speed modifier, it'll probably drop down to a7. 如果你增加一个2X速度修饰词,它将可能落下在下面到7。
- Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) . 有组织和参加贸易展(计算机展览会99 ) 。
- Ethnic Composition: Arab-Berber 99%, European 1%. 民族:阿拉伯-柏柏尔人占99%25,欧洲人占1%25。
- Auto stop 99 seconds and countdown LED display. 自动99秒停止及倒时显示。
- Many e-books are already selling for 99 cents. 许多电子书的售价已经只有99美分了。
- Also, 4 shots will damage an Akula Sub by 99%. 4炮可以把阿库拉潜艇打成空血(1%25剩余)。
- Take exit 22 off the A7, following the signs for Ondara-Denia-Javea. 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订的总价。
- A municipal borough of central England north of Nottingham. It is an industrial center in a coal-mining region. Population, 99,900. 曼斯菲尔德英国中部的一个市级行政区,位于诺丁汉以北,是采煤地区的工业中心。人口99,900。
- You see,if you add 100 to 1,you get 101,and 99 and 2 is 101. 你看,如果把100和1相加,得到101,而99加2是101。
- Gold traded through the society is of 99 per cent fineness. 在金银业贸易场交易的黄金纯度为99%25,称为九九金。