- Vitamin B6 must be adequately supplied. 维生素B6必须充分供应。
- At the end of the year,87 kaitos were in operation. 年底时,共有87艘"街渡"行走。
- It is supposed to reach 87 degrees Fahrenheit. 可能达到华氏87度。
- In this examination he got 87 points. 此次考试他得了87分。
- It's supposed to reach 87 degrees Fahrenheit. 可能达到华氏 87 度。
- The conclusion shows: EACC 87%. DBE 6%. EAA 7%. 测定结果表明:EACC含量为87%25;DBE含量为6%25;EAA含量为7%25.
- Disease-free survival(DFS) at 10 years was 87%. 患者10年总生存率为87%25。
- The Saweyers live at 87 King Street. 索耶一家住在王国街87号.
- The Sawyers live in the 87 King Street. 索耶一家住在国王大街87号。
- The Sawyers live in 87 King Street. 索耶一家住在国王街87号。
- Dialog 87 rve got some bad news for you. 我有些坏消息告诉你。
- And more won medals, 87, than ever before as well. 87个国家赢得了奖牌,也是史上最多的。
- The Soyer live at number 87 of King Street. 索耶一家住在国王街87号。
- Thiamin, zinc , vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and copper. 硫胺素,锌,维他命B12,维他命B6和铜。
- The Sawyers live at 87 King Street. 索耶一家住在国王街87号。
- The size of this island is approx 87 square km. 此岛的面积约有87平方公里。
- We have to watch for Interstate 87. 我们得注意找87号州际公路了。
- Nanjing is located in west trunk road Huju 87. 位于南京城西干道虎踞路87号。
- The new Ford Magneto boasts 87 mpg on the highway. 新福特磁发动机在高速上可跑87英里/加仑。
- Papalia, D. E., Olds, S. W.& Feldman R. D.(2002). Human development,8e. 张慧芝(译)。人类发展-成人心理学。台北市:桂冠。(原著出版年:1978)。