- Follow up 8D / PDCA for BI rejection. 跟进供应商8D/PDCA改善行动。
- Tracking and confirmed 8D and quality issues. 3 8D和质量问题的追踪及确认评估。
- The will be drawn when he was 89 years old. 这将在他89岁的时候签署。
- Has the team brainstormed the 8D response? 小组成员是否对8D进行过头脑风暴式的集思广益.
- We rl move on July 25,89 to No.187,Nanking Road. 我方将于89年7月25日迁移至南京路187号。
- The leaves of Castanea mollissima B1. 板栗叶
- Phaius tankervilliae (Aiton) B1. 鹤顶兰
- We rl move on July 25, 89 to No.187, Nanking Road. 我方将于89年7月25日迁移至南京路187号。
- Brooks is 89 years old and still going strong. 布鲁克斯已经89岁了, 仍然很健康。
- The oldest performer is 89 year-old Busker Bill . 年龄最大的艺人是89岁的“街头艺人比尔”。
- He had just been reelected with 89% of the vote. 他刚以89%25的得票率再次当选市长。
- Turn south on UT 89 and travel past Panguitch. 反过来南部UT斯达康89和旅行过去潘圭奇。
- The median ECMO supporting time was 89 hours. 体外维生系统使用期间的中位数为89小时。
- The above changes were more obvious in 14d group than in 8d group. 缺血14d组此变化较缺血8d组更为明显。
- AFT B1 was still existence but AFT G1 was disappeared. 在储藏四周后,黄曲霉毒素B_1仍然存在。
- How do you add B1 to a smoothy without making it taste like rudely? 你怎么能把B1归到高尚者的行列,也不去考虑他时候粗鲁呢?
- So, vitamin B1 is called again " fight beriberi vitamin " . 所以,维生素B1又被称为“抗脚气病维生素”。
- Address:B1, City Plaza, No.1618 West Nanjing Roa... 地址:上海市静安区南京西路1618号久光百货B1楼(...
- Breitling B1 including box/papers and 1 year of garantee. 参考 A68062;成色 1 (新);购买日期 2000;钢;石英;
- He passed away in Beijing on June 11,at the advanced age of 89. 他于6月11日以89岁的高龄在北京逝世。