- From Arnhem Station, take the 50, 80 or 81 buses. 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订的总价。
- He's asking 80 a month rent for that flat. 那套房间月租他要80英镑。
- Exports have topped the 80 million mark. 出口额已超过8000万英镑。
- He lived to be [to the age of]80. 他一直活到了80岁。
- There were 80 people present at the utmost. 至多有八十人到场。
- He returned to the fold at his 80's. 他在八十高龄又恢复原来的宗教信仰。
- She may be 80, but she's still lively. 她也许有八十岁了,但仍精力充沛。
- He was 80 years old, give or take a year. 他八十岁上下。
- The jockey turned the scales at 80 lb. 那赛马骑师体重为 80 磅。
- Result Onecourse of treatment cure rate up to 80%,always efficient 93%. 结果一个疗程治愈率达80%25,总有效率93%25。
- G1 consists of 93 English tour guides who are the less experienced tour guides, and G2 consists of 81 experienced English tour guides. 并根据他们的经验度分为两组:G1包括93名经验欠缺的导游和G2包括81名经验丰富的导游。
- The scholarship includes an allowance of 80 dollars for books. 奖学金包括八十美元的书籍费津贴。
- The lake measures 130 by 80 kilometers. 这湖长一百三十公里宽八十公里。
- Results 20 cases(69%) could be displayed with conventional soft tissue windows,24(81%) could be demonstrated with lung windows and 27(93%) could be demonstrated with CTVL. 结果28例早期喉癌中,常规软组织窗显示病变20例(69%25),宽窗显示病变24例(81%25),CTVL显示病变27例(93%25)。
- The overall measurement of this room is 80 square meters. 这个屋子的总面积是80平方米。
- The solution to last week's quiz is on page 81. 上星期测验的答案在第81页。
- Wow! 93 miles per hour! This guy can really throw! 哦!时速93英里!这投手真会投!
- This needs to be cropped out (figure 81). 这部分需要剪切除去(图81)。
- There, median incomes run to about $93,000. 那里,收入中位数达到了93,000美元。
- In 1913 his plant produced a Model T every 93 min. 1913年,他的车间每93分钟就能出产一辆福特T型车。