- All of the introduced cultivars could grow and flowering normally, but disease resistances of B1、B3、LR were the weakest. 种子出苗后均能正常生长和开花,但是大花、花脸及丽人系列抗病能力较弱,易发生病害;
- Six lines of pansy, including B1、B3、S、LR、DW ST were introduced and cultivated in Shenyang city, and the germination percentage, the character of stem, leaf and flowers of theses plants were observed. 摘要对沈阳地区引进的6个三色堇品系(大花、花脸、水晶、美国丽人、英国帝王、日本神童)进行栽培试验,观察其播种出苗情况和茎、叶、花等植物学性状。
- From Arnhem Station, take the 50, 80 or 81 buses. 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订的总价。
- He's asking 80 a month rent for that flat. 那套房间月租他要80英镑。
- Cluster B could be furtherly divided into three clusters (B1, B2 and B3). 可被划分为A和B两个群落,群落B可以被进一步划分为三个亚群(B1、B2和B3)。
- Insure that drives are installed starting at slots A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 etc. 保证安装的驱动器是在插槽 A1 B1 A2 B2 A3 B3 等开始的。
- Exports have topped the 80 million mark. 出口额已超过8000万英镑。
- He lived to be [to the age of]80. 他一直活到了80岁。
- There were 80 people present at the utmost. 至多有八十人到场。
- He returned to the fold at his 80's. 他在八十高龄又恢复原来的宗教信仰。
- She may be 80, but she's still lively. 她也许有八十岁了,但仍精力充沛。
- He was 80 years old, give or take a year. 他八十岁上下。
- The jockey turned the scales at 80 lb. 那赛马骑师体重为 80 磅。
- Chinese philosopher (circa 551-478 BC). 中国哲学家(大约公元前551-478年)。
- The scholarship includes an allowance of 80 dollars for books. 奖学金包括八十美元的书籍费津贴。
- Objective To construct a bivalent VP1 gene vaccine against Coxsackie virus B1 and B3 (CVB1 and CVB3) and to test its immunogenicity in mice. 目的 构建柯萨奇病毒 (CV)B1/B3型二价VP1基因免疫质粒 ,并探讨其免疫原性。
- Paper making in China dates back to about 200 BC. 在中国大约公元前200年就开始造纸了。
- Caesar caused a civil war in 49 BC. 凯撒于公元前49年引发一场内战。
- MG were associated with 16. 7%, 50. 0% ,71. 4%,91. 7%, 66. 7% and 0 patients with type A, AB, B1, B2, B3 and C thymomas, respectively. 各型胸腺瘤中A型、AB型、B1型、B2型、B3型和C型胸腺瘤中伴发MG分别为16.;7%25、50