- The thermometer stands at 101. 8F. 烧到了华氏101.;8度。
- Chinese philosopher (circa 551-478 BC). 中国哲学家(大约公元前551-478年)。
- Paper making in China dates back to about 200 BC. 在中国大约公元前200年就开始造纸了。
- Caesar caused a civil war in 49 BC. 凯撒于公元前49年引发一场内战。
- Yes, it's Fred Williams, 84 Station Street. 好的,我叫弗雷德?威廉姆斯,车站路84号。
- In summer, circa 1470 BC, Santorini exploded. 大约在公元前1470年夏天,圣多里尼火山爆发了。
- She died in 1936 at the age of 84. 她死于1936年,时年84岁。
- The temple was built about 555 BC. 这所寺院约建于公元前五百五十年。
- The list now stands at 84 countries. 名单现在包括84个国家。
- Greek geometer (3rd century BC). (公元前三世纪)希腊几何学家。
- The first Ancient Olympic Games was held in 776 BC. 第一后古奥运会就是在公元前776年应运而生的。
- Jarvis died in 1948 at the age of 84. 加维斯于1948年去世,享年84岁。
- Caesar defeated Pompey in 48 BC. 凯撒在公元前48年占领英国南部的军港。
- At the end of 1998, 84 kaitos were in operation. 截至一九九八年底为止,共有84条“街渡”航线。
- He died at 84 in his beloved Philadelphia. 在他84岁那年,他在所热爱的费城去世。
- What time will I be able to log in and play BC? 什么时候我可以登入游戏并体验燃烧远征资料片?
- If you happen to pass by 84 charing cross road. 你们若恰好路过查令十字街84号,
- Overall inter-rater agreement was 84%. 总的预测符合率为84%25。
- Single J tubes (8F) were placed into bilateral ureters. 打开膀胱,找到双侧输尿管开口,分别插入8F单“J”管。
- In 621 BC came the first concession. 公元前621年迎来了第一次立法权。