- He lives at No 95 Russell Square/Sq. 他住在罗素广场95号。
- She has accomplished 95 years of her life. 她已达九十五高龄。
- The speedometer was indicating 95 mph. 速度计指示著每小时95英里。
- Since the game was tied,they played a period of extra time before the British team won by 88 to 86. 因为打平了,所以打了个加时赛,英国队才以86取得了胜利。
- Of the total amount of nutrient salt discharged into the lake,about 86% of TN and 88% of TP are closely related to the human activities. 在营养盐入湖总量中,大约86%25的总氮和88%25的总磷与人类活动密切相关;
- Since the game was tied, they played a period of extra time before the British team won by 88 to 86. 因为打平了,所以打了个加时赛,英国队才以86取得了胜利。
- I'd like a6 o'clock wake-up call tomorrow, please. 请在明天早上6点钟电话叫醒我。
- Norman W.Storer.The Social System of Science[M].Holt,Rinehart,and Winson.1966.75、39、57、38-39、86、87、88、89、100. 美)默顿.;科学社会学[M]
- The recombinant plasmid pUC18 E6 had been got. 获得重组质粒 pUC18 E6。
- Provides a6 dB-per-octave rolloff filter at115 Hz. 提供一个115赫兹时每八度6分贝的低频上移滤波器。
- Berat badan saya yang dulunya 95 kg juga menurun kepada 88 kg, iaitu sebanyak 7 kg berat badan saya telah berkurangan! 我的体重从原有的95公斤降到了88公斤,足足少了7公斤那么多!
- My grandpa numbered his 86 years. 我祖父已86岁了。
- Even a6% commission is not high. 甚至百分之六的佣金都不算高。
- The Chicago Bulls iced Orlando Magic 88 to 65. 芝加哥公牛队以88比65打败奥兰多魔术队。
- Take the A2 and exit at Marateca onto the A6. 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- Old Mike was over 95 when he finally snuffed it. 老迈克最后死的时候已经超过95岁。
- Vehicle Type: JETTA, AUDI A6, PASSAT, SKODA, etc. 适用车型:捷达二阀,奥迪A6,帕萨特,斯柯达等
- I won the elections with 86 percent of the vote. 而我以86%25的选票获得了选举。
- Results The cure rate of electric cauterization was 96%,curettage 95%,coagulation 92%,and cryotherapy 88%. 结果治愈率分别是:电灼96%25、刮除95%25、凝固92%25、冷冻88%25。
- Sima Qien lived between 145 and 86 B. C. 司马迁生活在公元前145-86年之间。