- The schnoz of the A4 is cribbed from the A5. 该schnoz的的A4是cribbed从第5条。
- But the A5 Sportback will be lower and sleeker than the A4. 的A5跑车,但将低于和光滑比的A4。
- Zina: Great. A4) geek and a5) punk all rolled into one. Just my type. 吉娜:好极了。集怪胎与朋克于一身。正合我意。
- Pfaff Tuning now offers Signature Series packages and components for the A3, A4, S4, A5, S5 and TT. 普法夫调谐签名系列现在提供的套件和组件的A3中,A4规定,中四至中,第5条,中五和TT。
- The wheelbase of the A5 Sportback is identical to that of the A4, on which the A5 coupe is based. 轴距的A5跑车的是相同的,在A4规定,其中的A5轿跑车的基础。
- On 8B solar neutrino production in the core ? 太阳中心~8B中微子的产生
- They apply to the A3, the A3 Cabriolet, the A4, the A5 Coupe, the A6, the Q5, the Q7 and the TT. 它们适用于A3中,在3号敞篷车,在A4,的A5跑车,奥迪A6,该问的Q7和的TT.
- A5 and S5 offer structure now mirrors Premium, Premium Plus and Prestige levels similar to A4. A5和五提供结构现在镜子优质,特优和威望水平相似至A4.
- Once past the nose, the A4 just doesn't have the desperately beautiful, curvaceous body of the A5. 一旦过去的鼻子,在A4只是没有拼命漂亮,身体的曲线的A5。
- The guy could be a1) crack head, a2) transvestite, a3) flasher, a4) junkie, a5) chainsaw murderer or someone really sick, someone like my Rick. 这人可能是个贼、装癖者、露狂、毒者、锯杀手,或是个病得不轻的人,像我的里克那样。
- Our quotation is subject to a4% commission. 我方报价包括百分之四的佣金在内。
- You must photocopy the spreadsheet on A4 paper. 我们应当订购一些A4型有抬头的便笺纸。
- Alcor is of magnitude 3.99 and spectral class A5 V. 辅的视星等为3.;99等,光谱类型A5 V。
- Remove starter motor (refer to Group 8B, Battery/Starter Service). 拆下启动马达(见单元8B,电瓶/启动马达维修)。
- Take the A5 towards Cascais until the end. 过了期限,取消预订酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- You could use the A4 paper is all right. 你用A4的纸就可以了。
- Take the A5 highway from Lisbon to Cascais. 过了期限,取消预订酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- A4:I can organise my time efficiently. 我可以高效的安排时间。
- Also everything behind the blue line (pict. 8B) has to be removed. 也一切背后的蓝线( pict.;8 B条)已被遣送离境。
- Take delivery of the goods in accordance with A4. 在卖方按照A4规定交货时受领货物。