- Results The nine components of kitasamycin were baseline identified,i.e.kitasamycin A1,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,A8,A9 and A13.The proportions of components were determined. 结果分析确定吉他霉素实际样品中存在9个组分,即吉他霉素A1、A3、A4、A5、A6、A7、A8、A9和A13,并得出各组分的比例。
- Our quotation is subject to a4% commission. 我方报价包括百分之四的佣金在内。
- Follow up 8D / PDCA for BI rejection. 跟进供应商8D/PDCA改善行动。
- Tracking and confirmed 8D and quality issues. 3 8D和质量问题的追踪及确认评估。
- You must photocopy the spreadsheet on A4 paper. 我们应当订购一些A4型有抬头的便笺纸。
- XY001,clear to taxi via A,A9,holding point rwy 02. 管:学员001,可以滑行,滑行道A、A9,跑道02外等待。
- The will be drawn when he was 89 years old. 这将在他89岁的时候签署。
- The XM1400 is powered by a9 volt alkaline battery. 这仪器是由九伏特的电池供电.
- Has the team brainstormed the 8D response? 小组成员是否对8D进行过头脑风暴式的集思广益.
- We rl move on July 25,89 to No.187,Nanking Road. 我方将于89年7月25日迁移至南京路187号。
- You could use the A4 paper is all right. 你用A4的纸就可以了。
- We are ACE of the A9 Airforce,The Death from sky! 实在太赞了!!为何最后没有演完就结束了呢?
- A4:I can organise my time efficiently. 我可以高效的安排时间。
- Take delivery of the goods in accordance with A4. 在卖方按照A4规定交货时受领货物。
- We rl move on July 25, 89 to No.187, Nanking Road. 我方将于89年7月25日迁移至南京路187号。
- Do you have any A4 size display books? 你们有A4的资料夹吗?
- Brooks is 89 years old and still going strong. 布鲁克斯已经89岁了, 仍然很健康。
- All documents are to be photocopied in A4 size. 所有文件都必须复印在A4大小。
- The oldest performer is 89 year-old Busker Bill . 年龄最大的艺人是89岁的“街头艺人比尔”。
- The schnoz of the A4 is cribbed from the A5. 该schnoz的的A4是cribbed从第5条。