- He lives at No 95 Russell Square/Sq. 他住在罗素广场95号。
- There's a good A-road going North -- the A1. 有一条良好的A级公路通往北方--A级1号公路。
- She has accomplished 95 years of her life. 她已达九十五高龄。
- The speedometer was indicating 95 mph. 速度计指示著每小时95英里。
- In Large White, the BB genotype at E5 was favorable marker genotype for TNB and NBA, and the BB genotype at E7 was favorable marker genotype for TNB. 对于大白猪,E5位点BB基因型可作为在TNB和NBA性状上的标记基因型,E7位点BB基因型可以作为TNB性状的标记基因型。
- The guy could be a1) crack head, a2) transvestite, a3) flasher, a4) junkie, a5) chainsaw murderer or someone really sick, someone like my Rick. 这人可能是个贼、装癖者、露狂、毒者、锯杀手,或是个病得不轻的人,像我的里克那样。
- The following code example places a set of integers in cells A1 through A5 and then uses the Sort method to sort the data in ascending order. 下面的代码示例在单元格A1至A5中放置一组整数,然后使用Sort方法按升序对数据进行排序。
- Result: Pharyngodynia happened in all 95 cases;dysphagia,in 81 cases;epiglottis abscess,in 9 cases;tracheotomy by guttur obstruction,in 2 cases. 结果:95例均有咽痛,81例有吞咽困难,发生会厌脓肿9例,咽喉梗阻而行气管切开2例。
- Seven kinds of CMS have been identified in sorghum, including A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, and 9E, but only A1(milo) CMS has been widely used in commercial sorghum hybrid production. 杂交种F1 代的甲基化水平低于双亲,是由于F1 代相对于其亲本甲基化模式经过重新调整,在F1 代基因组中甲基化水平的总体变化。
- Alcor is of magnitude 3.99 and spectral class A5 V. 辅的视星等为3.;99等,光谱类型A5 V。
- Old Mike was over 95 when he finally snuffed it. 老迈克最后死的时候已经超过95岁。
- The solution to last week's quiz is on page 81. 上星期测验的答案在第81页。
- Yesterday I was ill but today I am feeling A1. 我昨天病了,可是今天我身体好极了。
- The schnoz of the A4 is cribbed from the A5. 该schnoz的的A4是cribbed从第5条。
- This needs to be cropped out (figure 81). 这部分需要剪切除去(图81)。
- Take the A5 towards Cascais until the end. 过了期限,取消预订酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- The extraction recovery of maprotiline was 81 7%. 马普替林的萃取回收率为 81 7%25。
- Take the A5 highway from Lisbon to Cascais. 过了期限,取消预订酒店将收取第一夜的房费。
- There's a good A road going North,the A1. 有一条良好的A级公路通往北方,A级1号公路。
- Do you remember the 81 points with Toronto? 你还记得对阵猛龙的时候的八十一分吗?