- My grandfather is still hale and hearty at 85. 我祖父八十五岁了还很健壮。
- In Large White, the BB genotype at E5 was favorable marker genotype for TNB and NBA, and the BB genotype at E7 was favorable marker genotype for TNB. 对于大白猪,E5位点BB基因型可作为在TNB和NBA性状上的标记基因型,E7位点BB基因型可以作为TNB性状的标记基因型。
- Methods: Indeses (WT/HT,TSF,AMC,GS,BF) were conducted in 85 patients with hyperthyroidism within 3 day of admission. 方法:85例病人入院3天内行体重/身高(WT/HT)、三头肌皮皱厚度(TSF)、上臂肌围(AMC)、握力(GS)、体脂(BF)检测,进行营养评定。
- Sonata in Bb for Bassoon and Piano. 格林卡:降B大调大管奏鸣曲(钢琴伴奏版).
- No. 4 Selby Council efforts to tackle single-shot 85 points, 93:18 and again beat his opponent so he would take the initiative in the first half 3-1. 第4局塞尔比再接再厉攻下单杆85分,并已93:18再度击败对手,这样他便在上半场3-1占据主动。
- He carded 85 on the 18-hole course. 他在18洞的高尔夫赛程中得了85杆的成绩。
- BF: Concrete is my specialty. Can you dig it? 混凝土结构是我的专长,你懂吗?
- Wow! 93 miles per hour! This guy can really throw! 哦!时速93英里!这投手真会投!
- Holing Practice in Stove Bottom of Changgang 7# BF. 长钢7号高炉炉底钻孔实践。
- So at least with a BB gun he'll be playing outside. 所以至少他会去外面玩空气枪啊。
- There, median incomes run to about $93,000. 那里,收入中位数达到了93,000美元。
- At the end of 1998,there were 85 ODPs and 336 LPs. 迄一九九八年底,已拟备的发展大纲图有85份,发展蓝图则有336份。
- BB: Yeah.Ouch.Those do not grow back, y'know. 是啊。哎。你知道的,那些东西可长不回来啦。
- The fist time lisa met her bf was at a party. 莎莉第一次遇见她的男朋友是在一个聚会上。
- In 1913 his plant produced a Model T every 93 min. 1913年,他的车间每93分钟就能出产一辆福特T型车。
- Analysis on Breakage of the No.2 BF in TISCO. 太钢2号高炉破损情况分析。
- BB: You gotta admit, it was a good tip. 你得承认,这是个好主意。
- At 93 he's finally realized he's getting past it. 他到了93岁终於意识到自己已不中用.
- Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968). 及"海恩斯诉合众国"案,载于《美国最高法院判例汇编》第390卷,第85页(1968)。
- Her Bf if a good-for-nothing layabout. 她男朋友是个没用的懒汉。