- www.healthandsafetysupplies.co.uk/dmoz.cgi?path=/World/Chinese_Simplified/%e7%a4%be%e4%bc%9a/%e4%b8%93%e9%a2%98 社会:专题(147)...高峰会议-信息社会世界高峰会议突尼斯阶段会议已于2005年11月16日-18日召开。北京市残疾人...
- Chinese philosopher (circa 551-478 BC). 中国哲学家(大约公元前551-478年)。
- Our quotation is subject to a4% commission. 我方报价包括百分之四的佣金在内。
- You must photocopy the spreadsheet on A4 paper. 我们应当订购一些A4型有抬头的便笺纸。
- Paper making in China dates back to about 200 BC. 在中国大约公元前200年就开始造纸了。
- Caesar caused a civil war in 49 BC. 凯撒于公元前49年引发一场内战。
- You could use the A4 paper is all right. 你用A4的纸就可以了。
- Plays 97 you with me to have the qualifications? 涡阳我去过。游戏厅在哪?有玩97的么?
- In summer, circa 1470 BC, Santorini exploded. 大约在公元前1470年夏天,圣多里尼火山爆发了。
- A4:I can organise my time efficiently. 我可以高效的安排时间。
- Pulse oximetry reading on room air is 97%. 脉搏血氧仪读房间空调器是97%25。
- Take delivery of the goods in accordance with A4. 在卖方按照A4规定交货时受领货物。
- The temple was built about 555 BC. 这所寺院约建于公元前五百五十年。
- Specificity was 86%;PPV, 80%;and NPV, 97%. 特异性为86%25,PPV是80%25,NPV是97%25。
- Do you have any A4 size display books? 你们有A4的资料夹吗?
- Greek geometer (3rd century BC). (公元前三世纪)希腊几何学家。
- The cheetah can attain speeds of up to 97 kph. 猎豹的奔跑速度每小时可达97公里。
- The first Ancient Olympic Games was held in 776 BC. 第一后古奥运会就是在公元前776年应运而生的。
- All documents are to be photocopied in A4 size. 所有文件都必须复印在A4大小。
- For this year 100 serise, CMP 97 pounds. 而且每年都要交年费的,100多一年。