- Vitamin B6 must be adequately supplied. 维生素B6必须充分供应。
- Follow up 8D / PDCA for BI rejection. 跟进供应商8D/PDCA改善行动。
- www.healthandsafetysupplies.co.uk/dmoz.cgi?path=/World/Chinese_Simplified/%e7%a4%be%e4%bc%9a/%e4%b8%93%e9%a2%98 社会:专题(147)...高峰会议-信息社会世界高峰会议突尼斯阶段会议已于2005年11月16日-18日召开。北京市残疾人...
- Tracking and confirmed 8D and quality issues. 3 8D和质量问题的追踪及确认评估。
- Has the team brainstormed the 8D response? 小组成员是否对8D进行过头脑风暴式的集思广益.
- Yes, it's Fred Williams, 84 Station Street. 好的,我叫弗雷德?威廉姆斯,车站路84号。
- She died in 1936 at the age of 84. 她死于1936年,时年84岁。
- The list now stands at 84 countries. 名单现在包括84个国家。
- Jarvis died in 1948 at the age of 84. 加维斯于1948年去世,享年84岁。
- At the end of 1998, 84 kaitos were in operation. 截至一九九八年底为止,共有84条“街渡”航线。
- He died at 84 in his beloved Philadelphia. 在他84岁那年,他在所热爱的费城去世。
- If you happen to pass by 84 charing cross road. 你们若恰好路过查令十字街84号,
- Overall inter-rater agreement was 84%. 总的预测符合率为84%25。
- The yield of 4-chloroaniline is 84. 对氯苯胺的收率为84。
- HPV16 E7 was expressed efficiently in HEK-293 and HeLa cells. 荧光显微镜下,转染后HEK-293细胞和HeLa细胞表达绿色荧光蛋白。
- Thiamin, zinc , vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and copper. 硫胺素,锌,维他命B12,维他命B6和铜。
- The above changes were more obvious in 14d group than in 8d group. 缺血14d组此变化较缺血8d组更为明显。
- Article 84 Incubation period of yellow fever is 6 days. 第八十四条黄热病的潜伏期为6日。
- There are over 84 million pound coins in circulation in Britain. 有价值为8400多万英镑的硬币在英国流通。
- These quick maintenance features flow right throughout the entire E4 chassis. 这些快速维修的特点流动的权利,在整个批E4类底盘。