- 因为我们当中有些人来迟了,所以我需要把讲过的重讲一边。I need to start all over again because some of you came in late.
- 十九条当中指出每个人都有发表言论的自由和言论不受干预的权利。Article nineteen says everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression and to hold opinions without interference.
- 未婚适合教会中人,因如先须注水于家池则无余泽以惠人矣。A single life doth well with church men: for charity will hardly water the ground;swheresit must first fill a pool.
- 最糟的是,我们当中没有一个人认识路。The worst of it was that not one of us knew the way.
- 现代洁净室服装系统;洁净室中人作为悬浮颗粒污染源的新数据Modern Cleanroom Clothing Systems; New Data on People as Contamination Source in Clean Rooms with Regard to Airborne Particulates
- 沙拉比先生希望战后能在伊拉克领导人当中扮演主要角色。Mr. Chalabi wants to play a major part in the Iraqi leadership after the war.
- 我们当中没有一个人去过北京。None of us has been to Beijing.
- 经济制度中人的因素的思考--从两种经济制度研究人性与制度的关系On the factor of man in economic system--Research on the relationship between human nature and system from the perspective of two sorts of economic systems
- 当中一些变故突如其来,直击眼前;有些却长期折磨,痛苦不堪。Some of these deaths have been violent, before my eyes, or slow and agonizing.
- 德莱顿和蒲伯是英语诗歌中人为风格的巨匠。Dryden and Pope are the great masters of the artificial style of poetry in English language.
- 我们当中没有一个人的罪行能完全获得赦免。None of us can be absolved wholly of wrong doing.
- 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人,在我们遇见心仪的人时,Maybe God wants us to meet a faw wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful!
- 我们当中认识她的人都会为她的死而深感遗憾。Such of us as know her will deeply regret her death.
- 论沈从文乡土文学中人与大自然的完美结合Discussing Human and Nature Combined Perfectly in the Countryside Literature of SHEN Cong-wen
- 临时区域市政局所管理的公园和花园超逾600个,面积大小不一,当中包括6个大型公园。The Provisional Regional Council manages more than 600 parks and gardens of various sizes, including six major parks.
- 我被锁在饭店的房间门外而必须中人来开门。I locked myself out of the hotel room and had to ask them to unlock the door.
- 我们当中就她一个未因世事而改变。She was the only one of us unchanged by events.
- 雾中人--美国戏剧中的"逃遁者"形象People in Fog--The Image of "Escaper" in the American Drama
- 就在这时,他猛然从沉思当中惊醒了过来。At this moment he was dragged out of his reverie with a violent jerk.
- 建筑火灾中人的行为反应的调查研究Research of human behavior reaction in the building fires