- Overrides rendering for the body of a zone control. 重写对区域控件的主体的呈现。
- The NE--trending. brittle--ductile shear zone formed in rising stage of the early ductile shear zone controlled syn--shearing gold deposit. 在早期韧性剪切带上升剥蚀阶段出现的NE向脆-韧性线状剪切带,控制同剪切带型金矿;
- Overrides rendering for the footer of a zone control. 重写对区域控件的页脚的呈现。
- The body of a zone control is the portion between its header and footer areas. 区域控件的主体是指页眉和页脚区域之间的部分。
- Creates a set of style characteristics that apply to a zone control when it is visible. 创建在区域控件可见时应用于它的样式特征的集合。
- It need precisely control deposition parameters for prepared high-quality VO2 films, because it has complex of V-O valence configuration and similar of formation condition of many vanadium oxides. 但因V-O价态结构复杂,许多氧化钒的形成条件又比较相近,想制备高质量的VO2薄膜,必须严格控制制备工艺参数。
- Tanlu Fault zone controlled the formation of lacustrine source rocks in the Eocene and Oligocene during the Paleogene e... 郯庐断裂的晚期活动推进了渤海油气在新近纪晚期成藏,也促成了油气田至今的动平衡成藏。
- The earlier ductile shear zone controlled the distribution of the quartz veins, and the late brittle fault controlled the orebody directly. 早期韧性剪切带只对矿脉起宏观控制作用,晚期的脆性断裂为含金石英脉的直接控矿构造。
- If players in those queues join a launched scenario or leave the queue, the victory points towards zone control will be forfeit. 如果那些排队的玩家;加入一场开启的战场或是离开排队;这些胜利点数将会丧失.
- It had good ability of controling deposit formed in high temperature condition, anti oxygen and antifriction. 具有优良的控制高温沉淀物形成的能力和抗氧,抗腐,抗磨等性能。
- Serves as the base class for all zone controls that act as catalogs. 用作所有区域控件的基类,作为目录的区域控件包含可添加到网页的。
- Or you could extend a zone control to provide additional UI options for the Web Parts controls it contains. 也可以扩展区域控件,以便为它包含的Web部件控件提供其他用户界面选项。
- The ConnectionsZone control is one of the Web Parts tool zone controls that inherit from the ToolZone base class. ConnectionsZone控件是继承自ToolZone基类的Web部件工具区域控件之一。
- A Web Parts zone is created by a zone control, which is a type of CompositeControl designed to contain other controls. Web部件区域由区域控件创建,区域控件是一种设计用来包含其他控件的CompositeControl。
- The hydraulic condition and sludge character of MBR are analyzed, the methods to control depositing layer with different arrangement plan of membrane module are expounded. 分析了MBR运行的进水要求和污泥特征,阐述了不同膜组件布置方式下的沉积层控制方法。
- Rupture zone controls the North-South differences of cenozoic diastrophism and present lithosphere movement of Fujian Province. 断裂带控制了福建地区新生代地壳变形和现今地壳运动的南北差异。
- As a Web Parts zone control, the ConnectionsZone control is a type of WebZone zone (which inherits from the CompositeControl class) designed to contain other controls. 作为Web部件区域控件,ConnectionsZone控件是设计为包含其他控件的WebZone区域(该区域继承自CompositeControl类)的一种。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。
- Should industry be controlled by the state? 工业应该由国家控制吗?