- zero one sequence 零一序列
- The code for international call is zero one zero(010). 国际电话的代码为010。
- I will repeat, that the above method is for EAs working only on closed bars, i.e. on all bars except the zero one! 我再说一遍,认为上述方法是紧急救护服务工作,只关闭了酒吧,即对所有酒吧除零!
- A place during the execution of a program where control can be transferred from one sequence of instructions to another. 在程序执行期间,控制权能从一个指令序列转移到另一个指令序列的地点。
- Redistributes a set of keys from one sequence to another. This can be useful for animating newly-added bones. 从一个动画片段拷贝一系列桢到另一个动画片断,这在为新添加的骨骼制作动画时特别有效。
- Our patented vector thrust coil gives the zero one Versatran the ability to sustain normal flight in the event of a catastrophic multi engine failure. Versatran拥有专利的矢量推力线圈技术,即使在发动机失去作用时一样能使杰罗万制造的飞车正常飞行。
- If one sequence is an initial sub-sequence of the other, the shorter sequence is the smaller (lesser) one. 如果一个序列是另一个序列的初始子序列,较短的一个序列就小于另一个。
- Right. It was so exciting. Phelps won his seventh gold medal with point zero one second difference. Point zero one second, can you image it? . 没错。真是太刺激了。菲尔普斯以零点零一秒之差赢得了第七面金牌。零点零一秒耶,你想像得到吗?
- You make one sequence of transaction log backups, and then make periodic full database backups that are used to start a restore operation. 事务日志备份的序列与完整数据库备份无关。可以创建事务日志备份的序列,然后定期创建用于启动还原操作的完整数据库备份。
- Based on the experimental results,it chooses one sequence which ensures the stability of ALM algorithm to low error rate of ALM tree construction. 基于实验对比结果,选定一种能够保证ALM算法稳定性的连接序列,实现低错误率ALM树的建立。
- During one sequence the words of the taunting messages even seem to float in the air around the frustrated investigators. 片中有一幕,这些嘲弄警方的信息甚至似乎萦绕在屡屡受挫的刑侦人员周围。
- One sequence of linker DNA, programmed by the researchers, results in one type of crystal structure while a different sequence of linker DNA results in a different structure. 由研究人员编程的某种连接DNA序列会导致某种类型的结晶体结构,而另一种不同的连接DNA序列会导致另外一种不同的结晶结构。
- In the diagonal cases, we characterize completely the boundedness of diagonal matrices acting from one sequence space to another sequence space of Besov type. 若此矩阵算子为对角矩阵,我们能完全的刻画其有界条件。
- If one sequence is shorter than the other and all its elements match the corresponding elements in the longer sequence, then the shorter sequence is lexicographically smaller. 如果一个序列比另一个短,并且它的元素与较长序列中对应元素相匹配,则较短的序列在字典序上较小。
- In the case that more than one sequence of input characters matches, the longest one wins. In the case of two identical sequences the first in order wins. 其中输入字符有多个结果匹配,那么取最长的那个。如果有两个长度一样的结果,则取最早出现的。
- The mercury dived to ten below zero. 温度突然下降到零下10度。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Now, men, zero in your guns at that ship. 喂,伙计们,把炮口对准那艘船。
- It was five below zero last night. 昨夜温度是零下五度。
- Prospects of success in the talks were put at zero. 会谈没有成功的希望。