- youth of marriageable age 适婚青年
- The first was the scarcity of girls of marriageable age. 一是到结婚年龄的女孩子太少;
- There was once a king who had three sons of marriageable age. 从前,有一个国王,他的三个儿子都到了娶妻的年龄了。
- She is not of marriageable age. 她还没有到婚龄。
- The nun Khema belonged to a royal family from the land of Magadha.When she was of marriageable age, she became one of the chief consorts of King Bimbisara. 谶摩比丘尼出生于古印度摩羯陀国的皇室,当她已届适婚年龄,她嫁给了频婆娑罗王,成为这位大国王的众妃之一。
- Men of marriageable age now outnumber women by 18 million in China and the sex ratio is set to become more skewed because rural families prefer boys, state press said today. 国家新闻部今天声称;中国适婚男性超过女性1800万;而且性别比例将会因为农村家庭偏爱男孩而更加失调.
- Chinese population experts say their country will have 30 million more men of marriageable age than women by 2020, making it difficult for young men to find wives. 中国人口专家称截止到2020年,该国适婚年龄的男性将比女性多出三千万,这将给年轻男子娶妻带来困难。
- Perhaps she is on the sunny side of marriage age but I doubt it. 或许她还未到婚嫁年龄,但我怀疑。
- These pieces were picked up by girls of marriageable age who were present, the girl with the largest fragment being destined to marry first, the girl with the smallest being fated to remain a spinster. 在场的适婚女子会拾起这些碎片,捡到最大碎片的女子注定会最快结婚,而捡到最小碎片的将会终生不婚。
- The youth of the country are being ignored by politicians. 这个国家的青年没有受到政治家的重视。
- These pieces were picked up by the girls of marriageable age who were present, the girl with the largest fragment being destined to marry first, the girl with the smallest being fated to remain a spinster. 这些碎片由在场的适婚女子捡起,据说捡到最大碎片的女子注定将第一个结婚,捡到最小块的女孩将注定终身不嫁。
- Forty is the old age of youth,fifty is the youth of old age. 四十是青年的老年,五十是老年的青年。
- She wouldn't overlook a man of marriageable age, from ginger-whiskered old Frank Kennedy, who was Suellen's beau, on down to shy, quiet, blushing Charles Hamilton, Melanie's brother. 她不会放过一个处于结婚年龄的男人,从苏伦的意中人黄胡子的老弗兰克 - 肯尼迪,一直到羞怯寡言、容易脸红的查尔斯 - 汉密尔顿,即媚兰的哥哥。
- He saw a youth of great radiance beckoning to him. 他看见一个丰神飘逸的少年向他招手。
- These pieces were picked up by girls of marriageable age who were present,the girl with the largest fragment being destined to marry first,the girl with the smallest being fated to remain a spinster. 他们认为在这种情况下,继续保留公用电话,不啻是一种倒退。
- The old age of an eagle is Better than the youth of a sparrow. 年老的苍鹰胜过年幼的麻雀。
- Peter is a youth of spirit, determined to take the world on the broadside. 彼得是个有才气的青年,决心要向世界挑战。
- This is the starting point for the men and women of marriageable age, is divided into marriage and the legal limits of the law of marriage. 这是男女结婚年龄的起点,是划分合法婚姻和违法婚姻的界限。
- The youth of today are very lively. 现在的青年充满生气。
- He was a youth of great promise. 他是一个很有前途的青年。