- A young and virtuous virgin 闺秀淑女
- A woman regarded as proper and virtuous. 贤淑的女性被认为是正统的和有德行的女性
- This is a book for young and old (alike). 这本书老少咸宜。
- The explorers were young and hearty. 这些探险者年轻而健壮。
- Mary was still young and in the pride of her beauty. 玛丽还年轻,正是风姿秀逸的时候。
- I did many stupid things when I was young and suggestible. 我年轻时受外界的影响做过不少傻事。
- She is very young and vulnerable to temptation/fraud. 她很年轻,易受诱惑/易受骗上当。
- Athens had turned against its most brilliant and virtuous citizen. 雅典把矛头指向其最有才有德的人。
- God bless those well doers and virtuous people have long life. 善者天佑,德者长寿。
- The big boon in adopted father in many thanks is big and virtuous. 多谢义父大恩大德。
- If you are fealty and virtuous, then I would like to meet you. 如果你孝顺,善良,我很愿意认识你。。。
- They are young and energetic scientists. 他们是年富力强的科学家。
- He was young and highly suggestible. 他年轻,很容易听信他人的。
- She is young and does everything with bells on . 她年轻,做一切事情都满怀热情。
- The animal loves its young and cares for them. 动物爱护幼仔,关心幼仔。
- The game can be enjoyed by young and old. 这种游戏是老少皆宜。
- He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him. 他年轻又无经验,但请不要因此而小看他。
- He made her feel young and soft. 他使她感到自己既年青而又温顺。
- He married a young and giddy girl. 他又娶了一个轻佻的年轻姑娘。
- She was so simple and young and headlong. 她是那么单纯、年轻和直率。