- Do not downgrade him for he is young and lack of experiment. 他年轻又无经验,但请不要因此而小看他。
- He is young and lack of experience,but don't down upon him for that. 他年轻又无经验,但请不要因此而小看他。
- You must charge up the experience because you are young and lack of experience. 你必须记住这次教训,因为你还年青缺少经验。
- He is young and lack of experience, but please don't belittle him because of these. 他年轻又无经验,但请不要因此而小看他。
- His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience. 他工作中的困难是由于缺乏经验而引起的。
- Fix wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employee. 工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性。
- He laid his failure to his lack of experience. 他把失败归咎於缺乏经验。
- Her lack of experience is a severe disability. 她缺乏经验,这是个很不利的条件。
- His great, bobbing height and rapturous entusiasm helped make up for his innate clumsiness and lack of experience. 他个子特别高,打起球来象着了魔似的浑身是劲,这帮助他弥补了天生的笨拙和没有经验。
- His great, bobbing height and rapturous enthusiasm helped make up for his innate clumsiness and lack of experience. 他个子特别高,打起球来象着了魔似的浑身是劲,这帮助他弥补了天生的笨拙和没有经验。
- Males may also be unsatisfied because of their own clumsiness and lack of experience. 男性因为动作笨拙和缺乏经验,也可能会感到不满足。
- They had to contend with sickness and lack of food. 他们必须全力对付疾病及粮食的缺乏。
- Owing to my lack of experience, I didn't do the work well. 由于缺乏经验,我没有把工作做好。
- Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees. 工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性。
- He made oblique references to her lack of experience. 他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。
- Stress and lack of sleep make the body weaker. 压力和睡眠不足会让身体比较虚弱。
- Some lines due to dryness and lack of water. 而是因为缺水引起的干燥纹。
- Heat and lack of rain have compacted the soil. 高热少雨使土壤固结。
- Bank protection by dumped riprap under water is an easy and effective way to prevent bank collapse, but in China, bank protection above water by this method is rare and lack of experience. 水下抛石护岸加固是治理江河崩岸的一种常用、易行且有效的防护措施,而将此技术应用于水面以上岸坡防护在国内却是鲜有报道,也无经验可循。
- Hyperactivity and lack of self-control decrease. 多动症和自控能力缺乏减退。