- yoked control animal 套在仪器上的对照动物, 固定在装置上的对照动物
- It laid a foundation for apply nematode-trapping fungi to control animal parasitic nematodes in practice. 为今后捕食线虫性真菌的实际应用奠定了基础。
- Could be found by microscopy in control animals but moder ate changes in 2 caes of theropeutic group. 预防组仅见2 例点状出血,血管内皮轻度肿胀,线粒体肿胀而少见空化。
- The control animals had no vegetation,but had inflammatory injury in the endocardium. 光镜下见心尖部心内膜有损伤、脱落;血液培养结果阴性。
- In control animals, DHBV challenge caused viremia in 17 and persistent infection in 11 (56%). 在对照的鸭子中,鸭乙肝病毒激发导致了17例病毒血症,在11例(56%25)中持续感染。
- The morphology of the liver cells showed no difference among the dosed and control animals. 这也将为糖尿病的药物和饮食治疗开辟一条新的途径。
- Results: H was significantly higher in allergic mice than in control animals after methacholine challenge. 结果:乙酰甲胆碱激发后过敏组小鼠H较对照组显著增高。
- His army never came under the yoke of invaders. 他的军队从来不向侵略者屈服。
- The control animals had no significant changes. Conclusion Subctaneous injection of gentamicin (400mg/kg/day) for 2 days could successfully establish the animal model of toxic acute tubular necrosis. 结论 每日皮下注射庆大霉素400mg/kg ,连续2d,可以成功建立中毒性急性肾小管坏死的动物模型。
- Compared with control animals, the experimental mice had normal food intake but lower body weights, as well as greater locomotor activity. 相较于控制组动物,试验性老鼠进食正常,但体重较轻,且局部运动活性较高。
- Sensitized and challenged animals had significantly increased AR to aerosolized methacholine compared with control animals. 激发致敏后的动物雾化吸入乙酰胆碱后较对照组有显著的气道反应性增高。
- The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen. 一对公牛同轭拉着一头犁。
- The defeated army passed under the yoke. 败军在轭门下通过。
- He carried two buckets on a yoke, one at each end. 他用扁担挑着两只桶,一头一个。
- Every farmer knows how to yoke the oxen together. 每个农民都知道怎样把牛拴在一起。
- Compared to the control animals, verapamil treated rats had a less reduction of LRBF, a lower BUN, Cr, L/R kw and HSK, a lower activities of NAG and AAP, and a higher CCr. 与对照组相比,维拉帕米组之LRBF减少较小,BUN、Cr、L/R(kw)、HSK较低,NAG和AAP活性较低,而CCr较高。
- The upshot is that, so far, 14 of the 38 control animals have died of age-related illnesses such as type II (late onset) diabetes, cancer and heart disease. 实验结论是,迄今为止,控制组38只猴子中有14只死于老年病,诸如二型糖尿病(迟发型)糖尿病、癌症、心脏病等;
- Results: Rats exposed to a 4-week unavoidable stress showed escape deficit and their basal plasma corticosterone levels were higher than those of control animals. 结果:大鼠在4周不可避免的应激暴露表明,逃跑能力下降和其基础血浆皮质酮水平明显高于控制动物。
- Micro-CT images and histograms of Hounsfield units from the lungs also showed increased olume loss in the allergic mice compared with control animals after methacholine challenge. 肺Micro-CT影像和Hounsfield单位的直方图也显示乙酰甲胆碱激发后过敏小鼠与对照相比容积丢失增高。
- A distinctly stronger immunostaining of ADAM8 was observed in these airway cells of the repeatedly antigen-challenged mice compared with those of the sensitized control animals. 与致敏的对照动物相比,免疫染色检测到气道上述细胞都有不同程度的ADAM8高表达。