- This music descends from the early ballads of the Yi people. 这音乐源于彝族的早期民歌。
- The paper analyzed the target heart and RPE monitoring old people s sport,to prevent old people from illness and accident when exercising,and improve their health and living quality. 利用目标心率和RPE方法对老年人运动量进行监测,预防老年人运动意外的发生,达到增进健康,预防疾病,提高老年人的生活质量。
- Long floating clouds and green bamboo fence, Yong splendor of your peony in full bloom, the scent flavorful aroma Yi people. 朗月浮云,青竹篱笆,雍荣华贵的牡丹花怒放,花香浓郁,香气溢人。
- As a totem of the Yi People, bamboo is closely related with the reproductive organ worship. 竹是彝族的图腾之一 ,并与生殖崇拜紧密关联。
- Rousseau′ s sport thought embodies distinct naturalism: conform to natural law and grow naturally in body and mind. 卢梭的体育思想体现了鲜明的自然主义特征:即服从自然法则,让人的身心自由协调地发展。
- The Rhododendron Forest on Baitoushan Yangyuchang called by local Yi people is composed of this species mostly. 流域洋芋厂白头山杜鹃林主要优势种类即为本变种。
- Yi people which migrated from China to Vietnam,is not called Yi there,but called Luoluo and Pula people. 彝族在历史上由中国迁徙进入越南后并不称为彝族,而称倮倮族和濮拉族。
- Yi people which migrated from China to Vietnam, is not called Yi there, but called Luoluo and Pula people. 摘要彝族在历史上由中国迁徙进入越南后并不称为彝族,而称倮倮族和濮拉族。
- It also raises that it is necessary to strengthen the tempering of female s sports morality will and moral behavior. 并提出高校女生体育教育有必要、针对性地加强女性体育道德意志的磨炼和道德行为上的强化。
- AMERICA'S sports leagues have always posed a challenge for antitrust regulators. 美国体育联盟总是在向反垄断监管机构提出挑战。
- Gao Yi people's communes into the end of 1958, the rich West for the management of the village of the district. 1958年底并入高邑人民公社,为西富村管理区。
- Torch Festival will be busy at night you to the distant great Liangshan, where is the Yi people's home. 晚上热闹的火把节会把您带到遥远的大凉山,那里是彝族同胞的家乡。
- Now the Yi people have their cows and horses grazing in the that area, but the cattle do not eat these plants. 在寒温灌丛植被带,洋芋场的彝族百姓有一些放牧活动,但目前对植被的破坏及改变程度不大。
- "The day competition schedule is yet to be confirmed by the IOC," said Sun Weiyi, an official with BOCOG's sports department. 这项提议遭到了澳大利亚和部分欧洲国家的强烈抗议。费利表示最后的时间安排在年底前要确定下来了。
- Objective To study the correlation between stature(height) and finger length of Sichuan Yi people. 目的研究四川凉山彝族人群指长与身高的相关关系。
- This thesis also analyzes the function of Bu Yi people's system on colloquium beside betel nut palms and it's contemporary value. 以政治学的思维深刻地分析了布依族议榔制度的功能,及其当代的价值。
- The land system has been changing a lot in the past time;however, the unchanged point is the idea of group-landholding among Yi people. 撒尼彝区的土地制度虽历经变迁,但万变不离其宗的是土地属于人民,属于社区集体所有的观念。
- III In respect to minorities, more studies are about Tibetan, Hui people, Uigur, Chuang and Yi people, and most of the subjects are students. 3在对个体民族的研究中,对藏族、回族、维吾尔族、壮族和彝族的研究比较多,但被试群体多为学生,研究样本单一。
- In weather forecasting, human influence on weather, climate forecasting, and use of climatic resources, Yi people have a high level of knowledge. 在气象预报、人工影响天气、气候预报、气候资源的应用上彝族人民都有很高的认识程度。
- The Yi people's sports dances and the rice culture 彝族体育舞蹈与稻作文化