- Yellow Sect of Lamaism 黄教派
- Yonghe Lamasery Situated in the northeast of Beijing proper, this is the city's largest lama temple, serving as the upper court of the yellow Sect Lamaism. 雍和宫坐落在北京城区东北隅,是北京城内规模最大的喇嘛庙,蒙藏佛教秘宗喀鲁派目院。
- Red Sect of Lamaism 红教(佛教)
- Area of a yellow sect monastery, temple monks live: 38. 辖区内黄教派寺院一座,住寺和尚:38人。
- Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers. 犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派的成员。
- The inscriptionon the stele tells the history of Lamaism. 碑文讲的是喇嘛教史。
- Founder of the heterodox Shiite Muslim Shaykhi sect of Iran. 阿拉伯人,伊朗伊斯兰教什叶派的非正统支派谢赫教派(Shaykhi)创立者。
- Cisi the original allocation for the Sakya (the flowers), after the change in the Gelug Sect (Yellow Sect). 此寺原为萨迦派(花教),后改宗格鲁派(黄教)。
- It should be the axe of Red sect,with two plaits.Before it belonged to Yellow sect,without plait.Good thing. 应该是红教的斧子,有2个小辫子,之前那个是黄教的,没有小辫子。好东西
- Sakya temple was sent (spent teaching), after the conversion Gelugpa (Yellow Sect). 此寺原为萨迦派(花教),后改宗格鲁派(黄教)。
- The inscription on the stele tells the history of Lamaism. 碑文讲的是喇嘛教史。
- Drepung Monastery, one of the six major temples of Yellow Sect, is situated on the slope of western Lhasa. The main hall is extraordinary high. 哲蚌寺是黄教的六大宗主寺院之一。它建在拉萨市西面的更培乌孜山坡上,主殿有几层楼高。
- Monastery, is the Yellow Sect, one of the six major monasteries, but also the whole autonomous region in southern Gansu largest Tibetan monastery. 拉卜楞寺,是黄教格鲁派六大寺院之一,也是整个甘肃南部藏族自治区内最大的寺院。
- A statue of Qiu changchun, founder of the Longmen sect of Daoism. 邱长春真人道行便装像。
- The religion of the Daurs was shamanism, while a few were followers of Lamaism. 达斡尔人的宗教是萨满教,还有一小部分人信奉喇嘛教。
- In the afternoon a monk belonging to the sect of Nanak arrived. 下午,一个属于那纳克教派的僧侣来到。
- Guang Xihua si Kegon Daochang for, following the Buddha for the Kangchenjunga six of one, and now the abbot Ngawang Jinpa will become one of the Yellow Sect monasteries emerging. 广化寺昔为华严道场,继为章嘉佛爷的六处之一,现在阿旺金巴的住持下将变为一座新兴的黄教寺庙。
- It is not only in Yunnan's largest community of Tibetan Buddhism temples, or Sichuan-Yunnan along the Yellow Sect center, known as "small Potala Palace. 它不仅是云南最大的藏传佛教寺庙群落,还是川滇一带的黄教中心,被誉为"小布达拉宫"。
- A member of a sect of early Christians of Jewish origin who retained many of the prescribed Jewish observances. 基督教徒早期犹太起源的基督教徒的一派中的一员,保留了多规定的犹太教义
- Holding a baby while turning the prayer wheel, hoping that the traditions of Lamaism will never fade. 怀抱稚子,手转经轮,希望喇嘛教的传承永远不坠。