- yellow phosphorus match 黄磷火柴
- Guiyang City Linshan Yellow Phosphorus P. 贵阳市麟山黄磷厂。
- Guiyang Sanjiang Yellow Phosphorus Plant. 贵阳三江黄磷厂。
- Fuquan City Jianhong Yellow Phosphorus P. 福泉市剑宏黄磷厂。
- The productivity of yellow phosphorus, Industrial phosphoric acid, Food-grade is 8000t, 15,000t and 5000t respectively. 占地面积3.;8万平方米,其中建筑面积2万平方米,拥有年生产工业黄磷8000吨、工业磷酸1
- The paper briefly introduces the situation of yellow phosphorus and its derivatives of the former U.S.S.R. 本文简述了前苏联黄磷及其衍生物生产的现状、特点。
- Yellow phosphorus is a flammable and toxic chemical raw material that is prone to fire and explosion incident during production. 黄磷是一种易燃剧毒的化工原料,生产过程易发生火灾和爆炸事故。
- ST Marlon principal operations are yellow phosphorus, phosphoric acid, such as phosphorus chemical products, cement and other building materials. ST马龙主营业务是黄磷、磷酸等磷化工产品、水泥等建材产品。
- The Development status of yellow phosphorus industry in Guizhou is studied. The existing prob-lems in development are given, Countermeasures and proposals are made. 对贵州黄磷工业发展现状进行调研,指出发展中存在的问题,提出对策和建议。
- This paper introduces the hardware set up and software configuration of TDC 300 DCS as well as its successful application for 80 MW electric furnace in yellow phosphorus unit. 介绍TDC?3000分散控制系统(DCS)的硬件配置和软件组态,及其在80MW大功率黄磷装置电炉上的成功应用。
- U.S. officials said the nine materials covered by their case were bauxite, coke, fluorspar, magnesium, manganese, silicon carbide, silicon metal, yellow phosphorus and zinc. 美国官员指出,这项政策所包含的九种原材料包括铝土岩、焦炭、萤石、镁、锰、碳化硅、结晶硅、黄磷和锌。
- The Development status of yellow phosphorus industry in Guizhou is studied. The existing prob-lems in development are given,Countermeasures and proposals are made. 对贵州黄磷工业发展现状进行调研,指出发展中存在的问题,提出对策和建议。
- The various abnormal consumptions of graphite electrode in yellow phosphorus production, such as oxidation, sublimation, absorption, cracking-off and creasing etc. are discussed. 指出黄磷炉生产中,石墨电极有氧化、蒸发、吸收、剥落、折损等类型的异常消耗,并对每种消耗进行了讨论。
- By analysis and comparation of ore type of phosphate ore near Wangji. the main and supplemental ore sources are recommended for Wangji Yellow Phosphorus Factory. 根据王集附近磷矿石的矿石类型分析比较,推荐了王集黄磷厂用矿的主供货渠道和补充矿源。
- Maitreya phosphorus yellow phosphorus production will still be affected by electricity supply constraints, the cost of yellow phosphorus is expected at 7500 yuan / tons. 弥勒磷电黄磷产量仍将受供电限制,黄磷成本预计在7500元/吨以上。
- I'm trying to match this yellow wool. 我在找能与这黄色毛绒相配的毛绒。
- Article 31 It is forbidden to discharge or dump into any water body or directly bury deadly toxic soluble slag, tailings, etc. containing such substances as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, lead, cyanide and yellow phosphorus. 第三十一条 禁止将含有汞、镉、砷、铬、铅、氰化物、黄磷等的可溶性剧毒废渣向水体排放、倾倒或者直接埋入地下。
- It is forbidden to discharge or dump into any water body or directly bury deadly toxic soluble slag,tailings,etc. containing such substances as mercury,cadmium,arsenic,chromium,lead,cyanide and yellow phosphorus. 禁止将含有汞、镉、砷、铬、铅、氰化物、黄磷等的可溶性剧毒废渣向水体排放、倾倒或者直接埋入地下。
- He lost the tennis match by default. 他因不出场而输了网球赛。
- A freight train carrying yellow phosphorus derailed in western Ukraine, causing a fire that produced a giant poison cloud and contaminating the area around14 villages, emergency officials said. 船货训练搭载在乌克兰西部被出轨的黄色的磷,引起生产了庞大的毒药云的火而且弄污区域大约14个村庄,紧急的官员说。