- yeast raised product 酵母发酵制品
- English style muffins which are yeast raised and cooked on a griddle, may date back to the 10th or 11th century in Wales. 传统的英式小蛋糕是从10到11世纪在英国威尔士开始出现的。
- They are discussing how to raise production. 他们正在讨论怎样提高产量。
- We must step up technical innovations and raise productivity. 我们必须加紧进行技术革新,提高生产效率。
- Thisdistributive technology of belt conveyor line's program control, not only canbe economized capital and raised productivity but also is in the lead in ourcountry. 而且其更重要的意义的在于这项技术的成功运用,能使国内各行各业的运输装卸作业中节约大量资金,填补国内在这项技术上的空白。
- Tarre can resolve this matter for customers.Because we stick to lift enterprise’s competition through raise products’ fame. 因为我们始终坚持的目标是:通过提升客户产品信息知名度为其提高竞争优势。
- This will help do away with heavy manual labour and raise productivity. 这可以帮助消除繁重的体力劳动,提高劳动生产率。
- Sir Peter was raised to the peerage. 彼得先生被封为贵族。
- Yeast must be used in producing wine. 制酒时必须使用酵母菌。
- The rational selections of quenching medium and material of parts will help product quality be a controlled condition and ensure raising product quality. 合理选择淬火冷却介质和确定零件的材料使产品质量取于受控状态和确保产品质量的提高。
- The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket. 这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。
- The director said that he would seek out method for raising production. 那位主任说他会找出提高产量的途径的。
- On a gamble he raised his sombrero. 他胡乱地举帽致敬。
- The car raised quite a dust as we drove off. 我们走时车子扬起了一阵尘土。
- Yeast can be used in making beer and bread. 酵母可用于酿啤酒和发面包。
- By employing his methods, we were able to raise productivity by twenty percent. 我们采用了他的方法,将生产率提高了百分之二十。
- I was raised by my aunt on a farm. 我是在农场由姨妈抚养大的。
- The place is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出手工艺品而出名。
- My win at chess raised my spirits a little. 我赢了这盘国际象棋才打起了一点精神。
- PLC was used to process control and application in the pneumatic clamping system of combined machine tool,it raised production efficiency,increased system dependability and machining flexibility. 用可编程控制器控制组合机床的气动夹紧系统,既提高了生产效率,又增加了系统可靠性和制造柔性。