- year rs mind 逝世一周年之弥撒
- English grammar tasked the boy rs mind. 英文文法使那男孩大伤脑筋。
- New Year rs Day is drawing near. 新年马上就要到了。
- A year rs plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。
- He did a year rs military service. 他服过一年兵役。
- What did John do on New Year rs Day? 约翰在元旦做了什么事?
- We have a family reunion every New Year rs Day. 每年元旦我们都合家团聚。
- A whole year rs hard work has all gone for nothing. 整整一年的辛苦全部化为乌有。
- The doctor tried to rest his patient rs mind at ease. 医生设法让病人安下心来。
- The display of fireworks on New Year rs Eve was a fine spectacle. 除夕燃放的烟火真是美妙的奇观。
- This year rs session of Congress was unusually long. 国会今年的会期特别长。
- Many year rs disturbances have further cemented our friendship. 多少年的风风雨雨使我们的友谊更加牢固。
- They met the year rs production target two months ahead of time. 他们超前两个月完成全年生产指标。
- In children rs minds, summers are associated with picnics. 在孩子们看来,夏天总是和郊游连在一起的。
- Feudal ideas were deep-rooted in some people rs minds. 封建思想在一些人头脑里根深蒂固。
- I have had ten years rs experience of secretarial work. 我有十年从事秘书工作的经验。
- Pornographic books and periodicals are poisoning teenagers rs minds. 黄色书刊毒害了少年儿童的身心健康。
- Four years rs college life laid a solid foundation for his work. 四年的大学生活为他的工作打下了坚实的基础。
- The two year Rs 386 crore ($80 million) mission will, among others, map out the surface of the moon and scan for mineral deposits. 需要着重说明的是,此次探月任务志在拍摄最新的月球表面图片。我们目前已经有火星表面的图片,对于航天员涉足的月球反而图片甚少。
- Brooke was arrested and subsequently sentenced to five years rs imprisonment. 布鲁克被逮捕,其后被判五年监禁。