- There are many pear trees covered in blossom. 那里有许多开满花的梨树。
- yarrow blossom 蓍草花
- The sunshine will bring out the blossom. 阳光将使花朵开放。
- The tree was covered with beautiful pink blossom. 这树开满了美丽的粉红色的花。
- That small fishing village have now blossom into an important port. 那个小渔村现已发展成为一个重要港口。
- The beauty of the peach blossom is beyond description. 桃花的美丽难以形容。
- He used to be painfully shy, but now he's started to blossom (out). 他以前极腼腆,现在活泼起来了。
- The peach tree has an excellent blossom this year. 今年这棵桃树花开得很好。
- The water lily in the pond is in full blossom now. 池塘里的睡莲正盛开着。
- The gossip tossed the mossy blossom fossil. 爱讲闲话者向上抛长满苔藓的花化石。
- By May my garden will be a mass of blossom. 到五月时,我的花园里将是花团锦簇。
- Did the wisteria blossom this year? 紫藤今年开花吗?
- The wind blasted the cherry blossom. 风使樱花枯萎。
- The apple blossom is beginning to drop. 苹果树上的花开始落了。
- The apple blossom has not set well this year . 苹果花今年没有结多少果实。
- The trees are late coming into blossom his year. 今年这些树开花开得迟。
- The plum blossom are open on winter. 梅花在寒冷的冬天盛开。
- The apple blossom hasn't set well this year. 苹果花今年没有结多少果实。
- Here sago cycas trees blossom once every year. 在这里,铁树一年一开花。
- The cherry trees are in full blossom. 樱花正在盛开。