- xistential presupposition 存在预设
- Bail was refused on the presupposition of his guilt. 已料到他罪名成立而不准保释。
- The first presupposition concerns the nature of Scripture. 第一项预设有关《圣经》的本质。
- Presupposition is a very important concept in Semantics and Pragmatics. 预设或前提是语义学与语用学中的一个很重要的概念。
- Presupposition is an important research subject in semantics and pragmatics. 预设是语义学和语用学的一个重要研究课题。
- It is obviously the later is the argumentative presupposition of the former. 后者显然为前者的论证前提。
- Your judgment of the case is based on the presupposition that the witness is telling the truth. 你对这案件的裁决,是以证人讲的都是实话这一假设为依据的。
- Based on this fact,it describes the factors related to presupposition,basic points,and main ways. 基于此,提出了西部人才资源开发的前提、基点和主要途径等相关因素。
- Class teaching should go from presupposition towards the generation of meaning, from cognition to communication. 课堂教学应从事先预设走向意义生成,从认知活动走向交往活动。
- Every politics contains the presupposition of human nature, which results in much more different political purport. 任何政治都隐含着关于人性的假定,对于人性的不同预设导致了迥然不同的政治旨趣。
- Pragmatics is the study of deixis ( at least in part), implicature, presupposition, speech acts, and aspects of discourse structure. 语用学是对指示(至少是其中的一部分)、含义、前提、言语行为以及话语结构各个侧面的研究。
- Uncertainty penetrates in our thought and action, which is the presupposition and basis in various theory. 不确定性渗透在人类的思想、行动之中,是各种理论的前提和基础。
- The second conception takes pragmatic presupposition as the felicity condition for theperformance of a speech act. 第二种认为语用预设是实施一个言语行为的恰当条件;
- To simplify I have made the presupposition that magic is the result of ONE gene (or rather one pair of genes) alone. 为简化问题起见,我们假设这样一个前提:魔法天赋仅来源与一个基因(或许说一对基因更为准确)。
- The analytic unity of apperception is possible only under the presupposition of a certain synthetic unity. 统觉的分析的统一性惟有以某种综合的统一性为前提条件才是可能的。
- Presupposition of evidentialists: Evidences are neutral; they can be judged by science, archaeology, philosophy, etc. 预设:证据是中立的,它们可以被科学、考古学、哲学等来审核。
- The thinking creation in news edition is the presupposition of the creation of news report. 新闻编辑的思维创新是新闻报道创新的前提。
- Theoretical hypothesis, including political economics, is the presupposition and basis of scientific research. 摘要理论假设是包括政治经济学在内的科学研究的前提和基础。
- The key to the course is man's modernization, which takes man's socialization as the presupposition and foundation. 社会现代化的关键是人的现代化,而人的现代化的前提和基础是人的社会化。
- Presupposition plays a basic and important role in people's daily communication. 预设在人们日常的言语交际中扮演著根本性的作用。