- Alder trees belong to the birch family. 赤杨属于桦木科。
- Alder trees belongto the birch family. 赤杨属于桦木科。
- After Alder get the destination, he start driving. 问清楚地点后,阿德就开车了。
- Jason: Oh really? Well then explain Allan Alder? 杰森:是吗?那么请问艾拉毛瑞呢?
- The alder nitrogen fixation promoted growth of the after crop. 十年生桤木林采伐迹地上;桤木固氮改良土壤;并促进后续植物的生长.
- Energy characteristics of alder cypress mixed plantation ecosystem. 人工桤柏混交林生态系统的能量特征
- Suddenly, Alder think of the girl haven't paid him the taxi fare. 阿德突然想起还未向那位女生收钱,不反过头还好。
- Its name is Ben Alder, it is a wild, desert mountain full of hills and hollows. 它的名字是本·亚尔德,是一座尽是些山岗和鸡谷的漠无人烟的荒山。
- When they reach the destination, Alder stopped the car and let her go down. 到了那个女生所说的地方时,阿德就停车好让她下车了。
- The tiniest unfurling of pale green at the tips of the alder trees’ branches. 桤树枝头露出点点新绿;
- Alder body (with flamed maple top) Rock Maple bolt-on neck Rosewood fin... 本页全部内容仅供参考,请以实物为准 。
- Any reproductive structure resembling a cone, such as a cluster of hop or alder fruits. 锥体再生结构其它类似于锥体的再生结构,如蛇麻草或赤扬果实
- Any reproductive structure resembling a cone,such as a cluster of hop or alder fruits. 锥体再生结构其它类似于锥体的再生结构,如蛇麻草或赤扬果实
- The meanders of a prattling brook, were shaded with straggling willows and alder trees. 一条小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳树和桤树的树荫间,淙淙作响。
- There he soon died, and it is strange to reflect that he may have regretted his Cage upon Ben Alder. 没多久,他就死在那,想想也奇怪,说不定是他对本·亚尔德山上的“笼子”曾经是依依不舍呢。
- PEG could improve the germinating rate and the germinating potential of the alder's seeds, but there needs a condition. PEG 对未完全成熟的桤木种子的发芽率和发芽势的提高是有一定条件的。
- The genetic responses of 13 alder(Alnus cremastogyne) provenances was evaluated for at 5 test locations. 对桤木13个种源在5个测试点进行了生长性状的遗传测定.
- Alder (Alnus nepalensis),an important non-legume nitrogen-fixing plant,occurs widely in the eastern Himalayas. 桤木(Alnusnepalensis)是一种重要的非豆科固氮植物,广泛分布于喜马拉雅山脉东部地区。
- The microorganisms involved in symbiosis with the alder tree are actinomycetes of the genus Frankia. 而与赤杨共生的微生物是放线菌。
- Alder roots contain clusters of nitrogen-fixing nodules like those found on legumes such as beans. 桤木的根部含有成串的氮固定结,就像是在豆荚中的豆子一样。