- Master writing software in ANSI C and capable in software programming. 精通C语言编程,具有良好的软件规范编程习惯。
- A hacker is usually a person who writes software programs in a special computer language. 黑客用专门的计算机语言写程序、软件。
- writing software program [计] 书写软件程序
- A software program used to display web pages. 用于显示网页的软件程序。
- Open source has proved a very successful way of writing software. 开放源代码业已证明是写软件的一条非常成功的途径。
- Because of his help, my uncle worked out a new software program. 由于他的帮助,我的叔叔开发了一套新的软件程序。
- IM needs special software program, wait like MSN, OICQ, QQ. IM需要特殊的软件程序,如MSN、OICQ、QQ等。
- In the end, they worked out a software program with the old machine. 最后,他们利用这台老式电脑编制了一个软件纲要。
- Automated testing means that you write software to test other software. 自动化测试意味着编写一个软件来测试其它软件。
- Data are stored in the same folder as that of the IRD Software program. 资料是储存在与税务局软件程式相同的资料夹内。
- A printer driver communicates between your software program and your printer. 打印机驱动程序在软件程序和打印机之间进行通信。
- I asked Tim to install an antivirus software program on my computer. 我要求提姆帮我计算机安装一套防毒软件。
- NFO files usually contain release information about a software program. NFO 档案通常包含软体程式的发行资讯。
- Early on, he wrote software to snag expiring names on the cheap. 早些时期,他编写软件去廉价地抢注域名。
- Todd Sundsted has been writing software since computers became available in desktop models. Todd Sundsted自从有了桌面型的计算机以来就一直在编写软件。
- Aspiration "to acquire larger share for the domestic writing software market" was mentioned by Mr. Yamada. Mr. 山田先生还对新产品"Sonic Solutions公司想在国内的刻录软件市场中获得更大的占有率"道出了自己的雄心。
- A software program that accepts a command and interprets that command into machine instructions. 接受命令并将该命令解释为机器指令的程序。
- The main project goal is to develop the DXF reading, editing and writing software. 在商业智慧系统的专案导入案例中,超过一半以上的失败机率。
- A web validator is a software program that can check your web pages against the web standards. 网络认证器是专门根据网站的标准来检验网页的软件程序。
- Rocco Caputo is the original developer and lead programmer for the POE project. He has been designing and writing software since 1978. 项目的土著设计者和程序员。他从1978年开始设计和编程序。