- writing techniques of Song Ci 宋词作法
- They also adopted tunes of folk ditty and imperial music of the Tang and Song Dynasties, and all had relationship with the ci tune of Song ci, which provides the new material for the research of Chinese musical and literary history. 此外它们的曲调还有来自唱赚、代教坊曲和唐宋大曲的,而且皆与宋词词调有密切的关系,有的可补宋词词调之阙,为研究中国音乐文学史提供了新的资料。
- The paper aims at discussing the tendency of Afro-American literature by comparing the themes and writing techniques of the three novels. 本文旨在通过对三部作品的主题和创作方法两方面的比较,探讨黑人文学的发展趋势。
- The author considers that Mark Twain carries on the traditional writing techniques of the 19 th and has his own creations. 笔者认为,在叙事艺术方面,马克·吐温继承了19世纪小说的传统写法,但又有其独特的创造。
- The thesis below will analyse the writing techniques of his Zhi and Zhuang, aiming at revealing the literary value of ... 本文旨在分析其制、状文章的创作技巧,从而揭示其实用性文体的文学价值。
- On the Authors and their Styles of SONG ci 宋词的作者与风格
- On the Structuring of Song Ci Style Conception 论宋人词体观念的建构
- The paper presents an analysis of the writing techniques of Stream of Consciousness in Joyce's novels and illustrates the important functions of the techniques. 通过对西方现代主义文学先驱乔伊斯的意识流创作技巧分析,从而说明包括内心独白、由联想、征暗示等在内的意识流创作技巧在乔伊斯作品中起着重要作用。
- Macro-comment on the Study of Song Ci 宋词宏观研究述评
- Afterwards, the writing technique of the antithetic verse of other writers was affected more or less by Wang Zao and made no more breakthrough till the end of the South Song Dynasty. 后来,南宋的骈文创作或多或少都受他的影响,且在艺术上再也没有更大的突破。
- The show was a miscellany of song and dance. 那场演出是又有歌曲又有舞蹈的混合表演。
- The paper consists of four chapters, among which the first one summarizes the Afro-American literature, the second, the third and the fourth analyze the themes and writing techniques of the works respectively and make comparison among them. 全文分为三个部分:第一部分概括了美国黑人文学发展的历史,从早期黑人文学,到哈莱姆文艺复兴,再到三位里程碑式的作家。
- With writing techniques of baimiao, contrast and bixing, the poets describe their own concrete life experiences with images culturally characteristic of farming, locality and relegation. 这些岭南意象具有写实性特征,诗人以白描、对比、比兴等手法客观实录体验岭南生活的具体过程。上述岭南意象反复运用与中国农耕文化、地域文化、贬官文化紧密相关。
- The writer innovated the writing technique of autobiography by Rising autobiography, biography and fiction. 汤亭亭将自传、传与虚构融为一体,革新了传统自传的写作艺术。
- The Controversy on the Study of Song Ci in Westem ZheJiang and Changzhou 论浙西、常州词学的南北宋之争
- The variant imagery writing technique in the Bible is the most distinct“ Biblical characteristic” skill and technique of expression. 异象手法是《圣经》中最具“圣经特质”的手法和表现技巧。
- Be wary of song sharks when you go to Nashville. 你去纳什威尔时要小心专门诈骗歌手的人。
- She taught herself the techniques of narrative and dialogue. 她自学了叙事和对话的技巧。
- Woolf applies the metaphorical writing technique of dual-sex in a body with the help of Orlando's strange sex changing and comes to denounce the male power society. 伍尔夫运用“双性同体”这种隐喻的写作手法,借助奥兰多奇异的变性,以达到她对男权社会的斥责。
- Being in especial love of Song poems, Mr. 钱先生对宋诗情有独钟,有《宋诗选注》在焉。