- Comparing these with the writing of ethnography, the author holds that oral history is made by historians based on interview while oral tradition is excavated by folklorists in the fieldwork. 认为口述史文本是研究者通过访谈制作的,而民俗学之口头传承文本则是研究者通过田野作业发掘的。
- The writing of poems, stories or plays is often called creative writing. 诗歌、小说和剧本的写作常常被称作创作。
- We cooperate on the writing of this book. 我们合作写这本书。
- He has a style of writing of his own. 他创立了自己的文风。
- She has read all the writings of Shakespeare. 她读过莎士比亚的全部着作。
- At a glance she recognized the writing of her son. 她一眼就认出了他儿子的笔迹。
- writing of ethnography 民族志书写
- A whole year went into the writing of this book. 写这本书曾经花了整整一年的时间来。
- The writing of the letter took me three hours. 写这封信花了我三个小时。
- Music notation is the writing of notes. 音乐记谱法是指音符的书写。
- The write of this book is Polish. 这本书的作家是位波兰人。
- Peter wrote of his adventures in the war every week. 彼得每星期都写他在战争中的冒险经历。
- The police showed him the writ of search before entering the house. 警察进屋前,给他出示了搜查令。
- Pratt, M. L. (1986). Fieldwork in common places. In J. Clifford &G. E. Marcus (Eds.), Writing culture: The poetics and politics of ethnography. 撰写质化研究报告(张英阵校阅)。载于张英阵校阅,质化研究与社会工作(页167-194)。台北市:洪叶文化。(原著1998年出版
- I should like you to cooperate on the writing of the book. 我想请你和我合作写这本书。
- I should like you to cooperate with the writing of my next book. 我想请你和我合作写我的下一本书。
- A parable has to be written of this spoiled child. 我们得替这位纵容坏了的孩子写一个譬喻。
- The general procedures for the research of the educational ethnography are setting of the topic, participant observation (method), and writing of the report (achievement). 教育民族志研究的一般步骤主要包括:确定教育民族志研究的对象、作为搜集资料方法的“参与观察”、作为研究成果的教育民族志报告的撰写等。
- Since Malinowski initiated the realistic ethnography, cultural writing of anthropology has been regarded as an objective and scientific description of culture. 自从马林诺斯基开创了现实主义的民族志以来,人类学的文化撰写一直被认为是客观的科学的描述。
- The writing of experimental ethnography adopts the skills of novel writing and character creation and dramatically reveals the cultural facts,psychological and inner significance. 实验民族志这种书写范式的出现为借用小说叙事和人物塑造来集中地、戏剧性地展示对象的人文事实、心理事实及其内在意义提供了可能性。