- Making method and skill of glass specimen of aphid were introduced. 摘要介绍了蚜虫玻片标本的制作方法与技巧。
- Writing is a purposeful practice for learners to improve communicative ability.The cultivation of writing methods and skills stems from a lot of trainings under the guidance of teacher. 摘要写作是学习者有目的地提高交际能力的实践活动,写作方法和技巧的培养源于教师指导下的大量写的训练。
- writing method and skill 写作方法和技巧
- In this article introduces the method and skill of sharing code with DLL by VC,BCB,VB,VFP,and provide source program. 本文介绍WINDOWS98下VC、BCB、VB、VFP利用动态链接库共享代码的方法和技巧,并给出VC创建供其它语言调用的DLL和VC、BCB之间DLL的相互调用的源程序。
- The method and skill for balancing a complex oxid - reduction reaction equation are discussed in this paper. 本文介绍复杂氧化还原反应式配平的方法和技巧。
- Atwood uses her particular writing method and style revealing her high sense of responsibility about protecting the environment and the problem of women. 阿特伍德以其特有的方式及笔调体现了一位作家对维护生态环境及女性问题的高度责任感。
- The article gave a minute description of operational method and skill in measuring trace free TDI in polyurethane prepolymer by gas chromatography. 详细叙述了用气相色谱法测定聚氨酯预聚体中微量游离TDI的操作方法和技巧。
- Through a rectangle frame in horizontal direction,the paper states the theory,method and skill of how to resolve the statically indeterminate frames in space force. 以承受竖向载荷的水平面矩形刚架为例,论述了解决静不定刚架空间受力问题的理论、方法和技巧,并且分别采用能量法、电测法以及实验分析计算测定了该刚架的内力。
- The crisis put his courage and skill to the test. 这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。
- This paper gives the calculations of the electric potential of complex symmetry conductors in electric fields and adopts new analysis method and skill to solve problems. 就静电场中具有对称性的复杂导体电势的计算采用了新的分析方法和解题技巧。
- Sky-diving takes both audacity and skill. 特技跳伞需要胆量和技巧。
- His cleverness and skill compel our admiration. 他的聪明和技巧使我们赞叹不已。
- In addition, the foreword and the conclusion of this paper outlines the paper’s topical basis, writing methods and leitmotiv. 另外,本文的前言和结语部分简述了笔者论文选题的依据、行文的方法和写作旨向。
- Taking the parameter design of standardized elements of mine equipment for example,this paper introduces the method and skill of parameter design in Autolisp,DCL language and slides. 以矿山设备标准件参数化设计开发为例 ,介绍了采用Autolisp语言、DCL语言及幻灯片技术 ,进行参数化设计开发的方法与技巧
- This paper introduces the peculiarity of fixed processing cycles of drilling holes with SINUMERIK-810D/840D system, discusses method and skill of designing post processing of drilling holes with MasterCAM. 介绍SINUMERIK - 810D/ 84 0D系统孔加工固定循环的特点 ,设计孔加工固定循环基于Master CAM软件的后置处理方法和技巧
- Next,the thought and the writing methods . 然后是它的思想内容和写法 .
- Its participate in what international engineering trick bids to run means, method and skill, also developed overseas market to provide rich experience and successful example for triumphal oil field. 其参与国际工程招投标的运作方式、方法和技巧,也为胜利油田开拓海外市场提供了丰富的经验和成功的典范。
- How can we utilize his knowledge and skill to our advantage? 我们如何来利用他的知识和技术才对我们有利?
- This paper has expounded topic selection methods,writing methods and formats of university graduate thesis,especially the importance of bibliographic retrieval in thesis writing.Finally,the paper has introduced ways to defend the thesis. 阐述高校毕业生论文的选题方法,写作方法和论文格式,着重阐明文献检索在论文写作中的重要性,最后介绍如何进行论文答辩。
- It takes speed and skill to weld steel at this heat. 在这样的温度焊钢需要速度和技术。