- write once read many optical disc 一写多读光盘
- write once read many times optical disc 一写多读光盘
- write once optical 一次性写入光盘
- Shanghai Synergy Times Optical Disc Technology Co., Ltd. 上海新汇时代光盘技术有限公司。
- Director Unit of the China Optical Disc Working Committee. 国家光盘工作委员会理事单位。
- Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co, Ltd.All rights reserved. 作者简介:赵国杰男;硕士、教授.
- Since the videodisk was designed as Read Only Memory (ROM), many different write-once optical storage systems have come out; know as the Write Once Read Many (WORM) disk. 由于视频盘被设计成是只读存储器,许多不同种类的只写一次的光学存储系统应运而生,被称为写一次读多次(WORM)盘。
- Normal retinal blood vessels and optic disc were observed under funduscopy. 两眼矫正视力次日恢复到0.;6。
- The key to the rise of Java has been its promise of "write once,run anywhere". Java成功的关键是它“写一次就可在任何地方运行”的承诺。
- The key to the rise of Java has been its promise of "write once, run anywhere". Java腾飞的关键是它“写一次就可在任何地方运行”的承诺。
- Optical disc has a 600 megabyte capacity and are well suited for the computer applications needing the vast storage. 光盘有600兆字节的容量,非常适合需要大存储量的计算机应用。
- Optical disc manufacturers are required to apply for a licence from the Commissioner of Customs and Excise. 光碟制造商必须向海关关长申领牌照。
- CD-WOEA Compact Disc Write Once Extend Area 一次写入光盘扩充区
- We present a case of 24-year-old male who had melanocytoma of optic disc of right eye. 本文报告一24岁男性右眼罹患视神经盘之黑素细胞瘤。
- Does Optic Disc Appearance Distinguish Ischemic Optic Neuropathy From Optic Neuritis? 视盘外观能鉴别局部缺血性视神经病变与视神经炎吗?
- Go on writing once the invigilator announces the exam is over. 监考人员宣布考试结束尚不停笔者;
- Just put blame on a horary hand unavoidably, love each other to write once love each other. 只是难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。
- The main cause of operative failures was relating to the excessive periretinal fibrosis and scarring around optic disc. 手术失败的首要原因是视盘周围增生膜广泛瘢痕化
- A WORM( Write Once Read Many times) videodisc is suited for storing images and data and sound, using a laser beam. 一个只读的光盘适合于用激光存储图象、数据和声音。
- The department maintains stringent control on all optical disc factories to prevent them from engaging in copyright piracy activities. 海关对光碟制造厂实施严格管制,以防厂方从事盗版活动。