- Image file write error! (harddisk full? 映像文件写入错误!(硬盘已满?
- Unrecoverable write error on target. 目标盘上不能恢复的写错误。
- RSM database has entered read only mode due to write errors. 由于写错误,RSM数据库已进入只读模式。
- A read or write error happens when the drive tells the computer that not all information successfully copied. 当电脑告诉你不是所有的文件都已经成功复制,这可能是读写错误发生了。
- If the database server is down when the instance is running, Notification Services will write error messages to the Microsoft Windows application event log. 如果在运行实例时数据库服务器关闭,Notification Services将向Microsoft Windows应用程序事件日志中写入错误消息。
- Your application can read user input from the standard input stream; write normal data to the standard output stream; and write error data to the standard error output stream. 您的应用程序可以从标准输入流读取用户输入;将正常数据写入到标准输出流;以及将错误数据写入到标准错误输出流。
- Hedge (2000) points out that the use of terminology may help analytical learners to correct their writing errors, and a metalanguage can be beneficial to advanced learners. 但这也让学生有了文法翻译学习法的负面反应。
- Through an analysis of the Thai students Chinese writing errors, the paper reveals that the rate of wrong character errors is higher than that of misused character errors. 摘要文章从别字和错字两个层面对初级阶段泰国学生的汉字书写偏误进行分析后,发现泰国学生错字偏误的发生率远高于别字偏误。
- Developer written error code can aggravate this problem, leading to easy exploitation of formerly "hidden" information. 开发者自己写的错误代码会加剧此问题,导致泄漏了原本隐藏的信息。
- Unrecoverable write error on target 目标盘上不恢复的写错误
- A facility for detecting writing errors in some magnetic tape systems consisting of using a second head adjacent to the writing head to read data immediately after it is written and to compare it with the original data as held in a buffer. 一种检测某些磁带系统写入错误的设施,这些磁带系统使用写入磁头旁边的第二个磁头在数据写入以后立即将其读出,并将它们与在缓冲器中的原始数据相比较。
- Carefulness insures you against errors. 谨慎细致可使你避免发生差错。
- He is squaring away to write a new chapter. 他正准备动手写新的一章。
- When you write error handling code, 当编写错误处理代码时
- It's no use grieving about past errors. 为过去的错误懊悔不已是无济于事的。
- It is useless to muse upon past errors. 念念不忘昔日的过错是没有益处的。
- I have no time at all to write to you. 我根本没时间给你写信。
- He get angry with me for not have write. 他因我不给他写信对我生气。
- I want to write down what you just said. 我想把你方才所说的写下来。
- I'll write you later in regard to this matter. 关于这个问题以后我给你写信。