- Perfect. But what I'm concerned about most is the time of delivery. 完全正确。但我最关心的是交货时间。
- He has a crisp style of delivery. 他说话乾净俐落。
- The police showed him the writ of search before entering the house. 警察进屋前,给他出示了搜查令。
- If I remember correctly, time of delivery is another point on which we differ. 如果我没记错的话,交货时间是另一点我们有分歧的地方。
- The date of delivery hasn't been fixed yet. 交货时间还没有最后落实。
- The date of delivery has not been fixed yet. 交货时间还没有最后落实。
- Hirecharges are reckoned from the date of delivery. 租金由货到之日起计算。
- Oil warehouse of delivery and shore tanks no. 交割油库和岸罐号。
- We can't advance the time of delivery. 我们无法将交货时间提前。
- I 'm sorry. We can't advance the time of delivery. 对不起,我们没办法提前给您运货。
- What sort of delivery periods did you have in mind? 你所打算的是哪一种发货期?
- I must have a guarantee of delivery by tomorrow. 我必须有明天交货的保证。
- Can you advance the time of delivery? 您能将发货时间提前吗?
- October is the earliest possible date of delivery. 十月是最早的交货日期了。
- Accept the proof of delivery in accordance with A8. 接受按照A8规定提供的交货凭证。
- She has read all the writings of Shakespeare. 她读过莎士比亚的全部着作。
- Our earliest time of delivery is October. 我们最早的交货日期是十月。
- The write of this book is Polish. 这本书的作家是位波兰人。
- Automobiles are the most common means of delivery. 汽车是最常见的运载工具。
- Goods will be invoiced as at the date of delivery. 货物发票的开出日期为送货日。