- wrestling among minorities 民族式摔跤
- Many people agreed.Homeownership under this administration rose to record levels, especially among minorities. 很多人都同意,在本届政府之下,房主数量上升了到破纪录的程度,特别是少数族裔。
- Members,you and I will work together in the months ahead on other issues: productive farm policy ? a cleaner environment ? broader home ownership,especially among minorities ? and ways to encourage the good work of charities and faith-based groups. 诸位议员,在未来的几个月中,我们将一同处理其他问题,其中包括农业政策问题、环境问题、房屋所有权问题、少数民族问题、慈善机构的激励政策问题等等。
- Physicians tend to direct information about sunburn to more light-skinned patients than those with darker skin, which could account for higher rates of sunburn among minorities, the Herald reports. 官方报道,医生认为与深色皮肤的人相比,浅色皮肤人更容易受到晒伤的侵害。
- It started appropriately enough with the 1977 Community Investment Act, which challenged redlining policies of local banks that set higher hurdles for home-ownership among minorities. 它首先发端于1977年社区投资法案,该法案反对地区银行对少数民族设置更高的住房贷款门槛的歧视性政策。
- And family education plays a significant role in promoting ideological and ethical improvement among minors. 家庭教育是促进未成年人思想道德建设的重要组成部分。
- Undertreatment was particularly prominent among minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. 不能治疗很大程度上存在于未成年人和经济条件低下的人群中。
- The numbers were even smaller among minority women: only19 percent of black women and21 percent of Hispanic women were getting enough of the vitamin. 这一数字在少数民族中则更是小的可怜:仅仅只有19%25黑人妇女和21%25西班牙裔妇女对该维生素的摄取量达标。
- That superstar wrestling really turn me on. 那种摔跤超级明星赛我的确很感兴趣。
- She was wrestling with assignments in mathematics. 她在苦苦对付数学作业。
- About 13 percent of all 17-year-olds in the United States can be considered functionally illiterate. Functional illiteracy among minority youth may run as high as 40 percent. 大概有13%25的17岁的美国人被认为是职业上的文盲。在少数民族的年轻人中,职业上的文盲高达40%25。
- She has been wrestling with this subject for two hours. 她钻研这个问题已经两个小时了。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- The profits will be dealt out among the investors. 红利将分发给投资者。
- Can't you help your mother wrestling with that heavy box? 你不能帮帮你妈妈搬一搬那沉重的箱子吗?
- Long boasting the highest scores on standardised tests among minority groups,Asians have never needed preferential treatment from universities,and are now benefiting from the new system. 长期以来亚洲学生在标准化考试中成绩一直居于各少数民族学生的最前列,他们以此自豪,也从来用不着大学的优先照顾,而现在他们正得益于新的做法。
- They quarreled among themselves. 他们互相争吵。
- Wrestling is in a twilight zone between sport and entertainment. 摔跤是介於运动和娱乐两者之间的活动。
- A scholar at court is an ass among ape. 宫廷里的学究是在猴子群里的驴子。
- Moral taint has spread among young people. 道德的败坏在年轻人之间蔓延。