- Worship on bended knees appeals, the hubble-bubble of my scald was defeated, how half A? 跪拜求助,我烫伤的泡泡破了,怎么半吖?
- Said explicitly that English takes an ordinary language, simply is not unnecessary god which that propagandizes, should not like the Chinese pedagogues such worship on bended knees to English. 明确的说,英语作为一门普通的语言,根本没有必要被宣传的那么神,更不应该如中国教育者那样对英语跪拜。
- He proposed to her on bended knee. 他跪着向她求婚。
- 1.to kowtow or kneel and touch the ground with one's forehead; 2.to worship on bended knees 跪拜
- A Brief Discussion on the Abolishment of the Proprieties of Worship on Bended Knees in China 试论中国跪拜礼仪的废除
- She begged him even on bended knees. 她甚至跪下来求他。
- They worship on bended kneesin adoration of their gods. 他们跪拜诸神。
- On bended knee, would you take this ring? 只愿为你单膝跪地,戴上这枚戒指好吗?
- I sought his help on bended knee. 我恳求他的帮忙’。
- I wouldn't change my mind even if he came to me on bended knees. 即使他来跪在我面前,我也不会改变主意。
- "Even if we also want on bended knees the last flat! “即使是跪着我们也要最后一个倒下!
- He was willing to go to her father on bended knee to ask if he could marry her. 他很想毕恭毕敬地走到她父亲跟前,问自己是否可以跟她结婚。
- He on bended knees entreats: "Lilliputian is Chen Quan, ask grandpa pardon. 他便跪着请求道:“小人是陈全,请公公饶恕。”
- He proposed to her on bent knees. 他跪着向她求婚。
- I've asked him on bended knees but my father still won't let me go on the school trip to Austria. 我已苦苦地哀求过,但我父亲仍不让我参加学校组织的奥地利之行。
- All the family came to the gates, ready to receive the emperor's order on bended knees. 全家人都来到大门外,准备跪接圣训。
- Also envies reverentworshipping on bended knees very much in front of Potala Palace'sfollower, they have the belief, in their heart, has the direction. 也很羡慕虔诚的跪拜在布达拉宫前的信徒,他们是有信仰的,在他们心中,是有指引的。
- The Countenance of Shaddai the Almighty, at whose aspect all creatures obey, and the Angelic Spirits do reverence on bended knees. 万能的撒旦的面容,所有生物在他的面容前服从,而且天使的灵魂弯下膝盖来崇敬他。
- He is born when 9 months, because have a poliomyelitis, lower limbs atrophy breaks down, walk with genu on bended knees from now on. 他出生9个月时,因患小儿麻痹症,下肢萎缩瘫痪,从此以膝跪着行走。
- Why should I serve the high and mightywith lowered eyes and on bent knees? Such things can never make my heart rejoice! 安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜!