- wormwoodlike motherwort herb 益母草
- Motherwort herb is a traditional drug in gynecology.Recent study shows the effect of motherwort herb is versatile. 益母草作为一种妇产科用药,近年来的研究表明其作用是多方面的。
- This essay is to introduce the research of motherwort herb in pharmacological action and adverse drug reaction. 本文就益母草的药理作用和不良反应作一概述。
- This essay is to introduce the research of motherwort herb in pharmacological action and clinical ... 本文就益母草在心血管疾病领域的药理作用和临床应用作一概述。
- Definition: Motherwort Herb is the fresh or dried aerial part of Leonurus japonicus Houtt, (Fam.Labiatae). 本品为唇形科植物益母草 Leonurus japonicus Houtt.;的新鲜或干燥地上部分。
- Motherwort herb is a traditional drug in gyn ecolo gy.The use of motherwort herb has been expanded by relative study on it in rece nt years. 益母草是传统妇科用药,近年来的研究拓展了其用途。
- Also motherwort herb can ameliorate myocardial ischemia, lower lipidemia and improve hemorrheology in patients with coronary heart disease. 临床试验证明益母草能改善冠心病患者心肌缺血、血液流变学,降低血脂。
- Motherwort herb is a traditional drug in gynecology.The use of motherwort herb has been expanded by relative study on it in recent years. 摘要益母草是传统妇科用药,近年来的研究拓展了其用途。
- In the field of cardiovascular disease, motherwort herb can protect myocardium, inhabit blood platelet congregating, resist coagulation, restrain thrombosis. 在心血管方面,基础研究表明益母草具有保护心肌,抑制血小板聚集,抗凝,抑制血栓形成等作用;
- flase largeflower motherwort herb 錾菜
- The clinical study of motherwort herb on acute cerebral infarction 益母草注射液治疗急性脑梗塞的临床研究
- Keywords motherwort herb;pharmacology;cardiovascular disease; 益母草;药理学;心血管疾病;
- Keywords Motherwort herb;Micro-small vessel;Thrombosis hemorheolgy; 关键词益母草;微小血管;血栓形成;血液流变学;
- wormwoodlike motherwort flower 益母草花
- wormwoodlike motherwort fruit 茺蔚子
- Red Clover Flwrs, Motherwort Herb, Lemon Balm Lvs, Scullcap Herb, Cramp Bark 含有多种保健草药,可清肝解毒,抗癌。舒解紧张情绪。
- Keywords compound prescribe Motherwort Herb capsule;ferulic acid;HPLC; 复方益母胶囊;阿魏酸;高效液相色谱法;
- I had to take the herb tea although it's bitter. 虽然汤药很苦,我还是不得不喝了。
- He alighted on a rare medical herb. 他偶然找到了一种稀有的草药。