- The book attempts a definition of his role in world politics. 该书要阐明的是他在世界政局中的作用。
- There is no friend at card or world politics. 这世上,玩纸牌与国际政治是没有朋友可言的。
- World politics are constantly changing. 国际政治风云变幻。
- The book attempt a definition of his role in world politics. 该书要阐明的是他在世界政局中的作用。
- Hot Lssues on the Contemporary World Politics and Economics II. 当代世界政治经济热点问题2。
- I found him surprisingly well informed on current world politics. 我发现他对于当前世界政治惊人地熟悉。
- We still have the ascendant position in world politics. 我们在国际政治中仍占优势地位。
- He brought the country to the forefront of world politics. 他把那个国家推向了世界政治的最前沿。
- It doesn't often happen in world politics that the goodies defeat the baddies. 世界政治舞台上,好人打败坏人并不经常可见。
- Therefore, those who misjudge China's position in world politics will not have a correct international strategy. 所以,对中国在世界政治中的地位发生错误判断的人,起码不会有一个正确的国际战略。
- Therefore,those who misjudge China's position in world politics will not have a correct international strategy. 所以,对中国在世界政治中的地位发生错误判断的人,起码不会有一个正确的国际战略。
- The world political system is advancing towards disorder. 世界政治制度正处于混乱状态。
- How to make a sound understanding of the impacts of the present international environment and world politics conflicts? 如何正确认识当今国际环境和国际政治斗争带来的影响?
- Cf.John Baylis,Steve Smith.The Globalization of World Politics[M]Oxford:Oxford University Press,1997. 胡永广;王宏伟.;全球化:当代中国法治化的历史新境界[J]
- Mr Gries describes them as “computer-literate cyber-nationalists”, well educated and exposed to world politics. 葛瑞斯把他们描述成“电脑网络民族主义者”,受过良好教育,积极参与世界政事。
- BULL H. The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics [M]. London: Macmillan, 1977. 140. 詹宁斯;等.;(第1卷第1分册)奥本海国际法[M]
- America's conflict with the communist bloc dominated world politics for forty years. 美国与共产世界的对峙,更主宰了全球政治达四十年之久。
- Keohane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S. 1977. Power and interdependence: world politics in transition. Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company. Especially Chapter 1-3. 中译本:《权利与相互依赖》门洪华译(国际关系理论前沿译丛,北京大学出版社,2002年)。阅读以第一至第三章为主。
- In the wake of the Cold War, and without the rivalry of the Soviet Union, the United States trends to adapt unilateralist approaches in world politics. 在后冷战时期,伴随着苏联这样一个强大的敌手的消失,美国在处理国际事务中的单边主义倾向也变得越来越明显。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。